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Posted on 01-25-07 12:57
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I argue, the only person who deserves to be sticked on rupee bills is Mr. Shankhadar Sakhwah. Do you guys know about this gentlman? My little knowledge about him tells that he is the first person in Nepal who thought the economic revolution and economic independence of all public is very important for a happily lived society. He might have spoken that idea but the rulers of his age did not agree. He then was able to earn huge wealth somehow (mutiple versions of stories are associated with how did he actually earned the wealth, some of them are hard to believe) and used that wealth to free the entire population of his country (then Nepal khaldo) from their debt. These days, if we look back and think of him, it is unbelievable how did he succeed to overcome the resistance coming from customs, believes, and rules of strict feudal system a thousand years ago. But truth is truth, he managed to free from huge debts and that was one of the huge economic revolution of our country but poorly documented in history. In light of this extra-ordinary idea and extra-ordinary contribution of Shankhadar Sakhwah, I argue he definitely deserves the respectful position on nepalese currency who devoted his life for the economic prosperity of the entire country and people more than thousand years ago. He has been included in the list of BIBHUTI of Nepal as well few years back.
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Posted on 01-25-07 1:51
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How can a dead man be a gentle man? ( I have seen enough zombies in horror movies). ;P
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Posted on 01-25-07 2:27
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Lets keep PEOPLE out of this and Print our most popular Nepali treasure in the world. THE HIMALAYA. If you put a person's face.....he he there is bound to be arguments about who deserves it and who does not. So instead of fighting over it, lets just put mountains which belong to all nepali people(not just bahuns, not just sherpas, not just newar... but everyone's himal). It is one of the main source of income for our country. Plus it would be a nice promotion for the nation and its tourist industry.
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Posted on 01-25-07 2:48
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. Shankhadhar Sakhwah. .
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Posted on 01-25-07 2:49
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Rahulvai, Thanks for your nice opinion. I was for Buddha earlier but later I changed my mind after reading a comment somewhere (I guess it was in mysansar.com). Currency bill may be used in all good and dirty business. Being Buddha a god rather than a person, it would hurt devotion and feeling of a large number of people if they find the currency with Buddha's face is in bad statute. One of the worst example may be our sacred temples and meat market. We know, we can see a massive scale of animals butchered in our temples during festive seasons where a lot of currency bills dip into animal bloods. Also, currency bills travelled through meat market, vegetable market and butcher house do rarely exit clean. The currency bills are very likely to come out with an ugly spots, bloody marks, signatures, cartooned mustache or beard etc. on the beautiful face of Buddha. Do you think we would be able to stop that, at least polluting currency bills by blood spots and other religiously unpure dirts? No, we won't be able to stop that. No need to remind that Buddha is the strongest advocate of stopping bloodshed in the world. Wouldn't it be a huge insult of all Buddha-bachan and his lessons if we won't be able to prevent involving the buddha printed currency bills in those bloody and dirty circumstance? Yes it would be huge insult. So, how can we prevent then, the easiest way is to prevent or take Buddha's face off from currency bill. I believe, it would be good not to speak for nepal sambat, because of the reasons you presented.
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Posted on 01-25-07 2:56
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Whatever education or degree people have or Wherever they live,looks like people do not have control over thier rooted caste and class system. 1) Madhesi is asking for separate Madhesh 2) Newars started talking about Shankhadhar Sakhwah in currency where is Bahunketo..when he comes, starts talking about bahunism... Where are Nepali? who is Nepali? Poor Nepal shame on us...
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Posted on 01-25-07 2:58
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My point Exactly H1b. That is why I am for non secular Himalayas.
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Posted on 01-25-07 3:02
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BC, your idea is good, but the currency bills aready do have sketch of mountains on its central background. It has been almost a kind of gobal norm to put a human face in the currency bills in recognition of his/her significant contribution for the country. I believe you are aware on the fact that those pictures also costitute a special 'hard to imitate' marks to prevent illegal cliched copies.
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Posted on 01-25-07 3:18
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देवकोटा लाई बाहुन भन्नु, शन्खधर लाई नेवार भन्नु अनि सीता लाई मधेसी भन्नु संकुचित मानसिकता को उपज मात्र हो। नेपाल् सम्बत लाई आत्मसाथ् गर्न नसक्नु दास मनोबृत्ति मात्र हो। भारतिय सम्राटले स्थापना गरेको सम्बत् लाई शिरोपर् गरेर राष्ट्र प्रेम को भजन गाइरहेका छौं हामी। एक् जना नेपाली ले गरेको लोककल्याणकारि कामको मुल्यांकन् हामी नेवार् ले गरेको भनेर तुच्छता प्रदर्शन् गरि रहेकाछौ हामी। नेपाली भन्दा पनि, नेवार्, पहाडिया, अनि मधेशी मा खण्डित् भएका छौं हमी। लाहन त्यसै जलेको होइन। देश जल्न बाट् रोक्नु छ भने नेपाली भएर सोचौं। शन्खधर् को बिरोधमा जुलुस् निकाल्न के को हतार्? एक् जना मित्र ले हिमाल राख्न सुझाएका छन्, राम्रै हो। प्राय: जसो नोट् मा कुनै न कुनै हिमाल् रहेको छ नै। फेरि कुन् हिमाल् राख्ने? सगर्माथा ज्ञानेको बाउ ले आधा बेचि सके, चिन ले हाम्रो हिमाल् किन राखिस् भन्ला। मेरो बिचार् मा, जाति धर्म भन्दा माथिका ब्यक्तित्व हरु लाई क्रमश: राख्दै जानु पर्दछ। शन्खधर्, बुद्ध, लक्ष्मी प्रसाद् देवकोटा, सीता, भृकुटी, आदि लाई राख्न सकिन्छ।
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Posted on 01-25-07 3:18
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h1b, this is what you showed up your real face. You now have come up with your ultra conservative opinion. There is not a single point of newar or bahun or anything else in this issue. Hey, don't try to undermine Shankhadhar just because he was newar. You are here to spoil communal and racist hatred in the name of bahun and non-bahun. Much debate has been done about Shankhadar and after confirming his unique contribution, he was included in the list of BHIBHUTI. Try to destroy your conservative opionions against non-bahuns. I wonder you start defaming Janak and Sita because they were from maithili madhesi, or a buddha - from the clan of newar shakya, or Arniko, a local newar from bhaktapur, or Bhakti Thapa a magar soldier and so on. Too poor. Probably your ideal person to place in the currency bill is JUNGE GYANE.
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Posted on 01-25-07 3:25
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Hi h1b, बाहुन अं, के भन्या त्यो २३८ बर्षसम्म जता हेर्यो उत्तै बाहुन बोनस खान सम्म खाइसकेपछि फेरि कराउंछस यहां? चुपलागेर बस! अब पालो अरु सबैको! .
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Posted on 01-25-07 5:36
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---->>> where is Bahunketo..when he comes, starts talking about bahunism... <<< ---- Talking about tupiism, janaism, langootiism??? Chhi Chhi .... ---->>> 1) Madhesi is asking for separate Madhesh 2) Newars started talking about Shankhadhar Sakhwah in currency <<< ---- why madheshi and newar only? include rai, gurung, magar, tamang, tharu, danuwar, chepang, rajbanshi, lama, khas etc. etc. also. Shame on you h1b
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Posted on 01-25-07 6:01
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jasko photo rakheni ke farak parcha ra? India divide garne Gandhi ko foto ajhai cha indian note ma. baru Mao ko photo rakhcha ki prachande le sodha na girija lai chai nosodhnu afnai foto rakhum bhanla hehe jokes aside i like the above ideas we should not include any religious figures though. Buddha is not a religious figure He never claimed to be god or prophet. it were the Hindu who tried to make a god out of him LOL
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Posted on 01-26-07 2:20
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birB, prachanda le payo bhane aafnai photo rakhchha hola ni, first president banne kuro gardaichha, birsinu bho?
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Posted on 01-26-07 2:52
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k ho yaha sabai jana bahunlai gali garne.hamro desko durgati rana haru ko karan le bhaeko ho pahile,rana haru pachi sabai power wala harule loote. yeauta kura,yo bidesh ma nepal tamang society,newar society of nepal jasta dherai society haru chan tara maile ahile samma bahun society dekheko chaina.yes le ma k bugchu bhane aru cast haru aphno cast anusar society kholera arucast ko manche lai separate garchan. jaha samma note ma photo ko kura cha,sathi harule bhane anusar himal rakhe huncha.tara budda pai ramro choice ho.buddha bahek aru manche khoi nepal ma chainan testo respect paune.
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Posted on 01-26-07 11:06
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पैसामा कसको फोटो राख्ने भन्ने कुरामा नचाहिदो जातभातको कुरा घुसाउने किराफट्याङ्ग्रे बुद्धि भएपछि कहाँबाट पार लाग्नु ? यस्तै हो, जे कुरामा नि जातिबादि चस्मा लगाएर हेर्ने, अनि कहाँबाट हुन्द मेलमिलाप?
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Posted on 01-26-07 1:03
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देवकोटा लाई बाहुन भन्नु, शन्खधर लाई नेवार भन्नु अनि सीता लाई मधेसी भन्नु संकुचित मानसिकता को उपज मात्र हो। नेपाल् सम्बत लाई आत्मसाथ् गर्न नसक्नु दास मनोबृत्ति मात्र हो। भारतिय सम्राटले स्थापना गरेको सम्बत् लाई शिरोपर् गरेर राष्ट्र प्रेम को भजन गाइरहेका छौं हामी। एक् जना नेपाली ले गरेको लोककल्याणकारि कामको मुल्यांकन् हामी नेवार् ले गरेको भनेर तुच्छता प्रदर्शन् गरि रहेकाछौ हामी। नेपाली भन्दा पनि, नेवार्, पहाडिया, अनि मधेशी मा खण्डित् भएका छौं हमी। लाहन त्यसै जलेको होइन। देश जल्न बाट् रोक्नु छ भने नेपाली भएर सोचौं। शन्खधर् को बिरोधमा जुलुस् निकाल्न के को हतार्?
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Posted on 01-26-07 1:42
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"शन्खधर् को बिरोधमा जुलुस् निकाल्न के को हतार्? " julus? good idea. Thanks rahulvai. pratigaman kari haru ko antya garnu parchha. hamilai sotantra rajya chahinchha. hahaha... ma ra mero jaat bahek aru maanchhe hoinan. ma matrai nepali hu.
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Posted on 01-26-07 1:49
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Man the finger pointimng has not ended here yet ! Now blame the Rana. ? he he How about ARNICO ? The person who invented Pagoda architecture and export it to China ? Hope they don't make him secular too here in sajha. But I would still stick with the Mountains on the bills instead of people. Cause I don't see any agreement among nepali folks as to who deserves to be on the notes and who does not.
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Posted on 01-26-07 2:08
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अरिनिको एउटा बिकल्प हुन सक्छ, तर यसमा पनि नजरका दोषिहरु को आँखा लाग्छ नै । भक्तपुरे नेवार भन्ला, फेरी । अर्को कुरो उनी चाइना त गए, नेपाली कला र बास्तुकला फैलाए तर देश फर्केनन । अब अर्को थरिले भन्ला, मुग्लान भांसेकोलाइ के को सम्मान गर्ने भनेर । हामी "म"बाद बाट कहिलेइ अघी बढ्न सकेनौ । साझा मै हेर्नुस् न, ब्यक्तिपूजाका अनिगिन्ती धागो हरु देखिन्छन्, चम्चागिरिको को नि हद हुन्छ नि कसैको तालु खुइलेकोमा समेत सम बेदना प्रकट गरी रहेका छन । नेता लाई गाली गर्दै देश बनाउने गाडी हाक्दै छन । यहाँ टाईप गर्नुहोस् । हाम्रो गाउँशहरको धुवाँ धुलो अनि अभाव भन्दा पर बसेर प्रदुषण को महात्म्य लेखी रहेकाछन । एउटा पार्टिको झण्डा बोक्अरु पार्टिकालाई सत्तो सरापी रहेका छन । र आफुलाई बिदेशी डिग्री धारि विद्वानको माला आँफै पहर्याइ रहेका छन । बिबिधतामा एकता भनेको यही हो कि मैले बुझन नसकेको । अस्तु!
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Posted on 01-26-07 5:19
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के तपाइले शंखधर साख्वालाइ चिन्नु भएको छ? शंखधर साख्वा नै नेपाली नोटमा हुनु सर्वोत्तम छ भनि मैले किन आवाज उठाएको भनेर संक्षेपमा लेख्दैछु । शंखधर साख्वाले करीब ११०० बर्षपहिले निकै धन कमाए । उनले आफ्नो त्यो निजि सम्पत्तिबाट तत्कालिन नेपालको सम्पूर्ण जनताको ऋण तिरिदिएर सबैलाइ ऋणमुक्त पार्नुका साथै स्वास्थ्य नै धन हो भन्ने शिक्षा समेत दिएर अभूतपुर्व आर्थिक क्रान्ति गरे । यो माथिको दुइ वाक्य नै शंखधर साख्वाको बारे शायद सबभन्दा छोटो चिनारी होला। उनी नेपालका कान्छा बिभुति पनि हुन । उनको योगदानलाइ धेरै तरीकाबाट बिश्लेषण गर्न सकिन्छ । आर्थिक दृष्टिकोणबाट हेर्ने हो भने उनले समाजमा आर्थिक समानता हुनु पर्छ भन्ने अवधारणा ल्याएको देखिन्छ, याने कि जुन अवधारणाको बारेमा १६औ १७औ शताब्दिमा यूरोपमा चर्चा चल्न थाल्यो उनले त्यो भन्दा धेरै अगाडि त्यसलाइ अघि सारे । उनले जनतालाइ ऋणबाट मुक्त गरेका मात्र नभइ स्वतन्त्र रुपमा आर्थिक ब्यबसाय गर्न दिएर सम्पन्नता पनि उपहार दिए । जबकि उनको समय भनेको धर्मद्वारा निर्देशित सामन्ति शासनको चरमोत्कर्ष थियो । उनले जे गरे, त्यसको बिरोधमा सामन्ति शाषकले के कस्ता षडयन्त्रहरु गरे होलान, ती कुराहरु स्पष्ट अभिलेखित छैन । जुन इतिहासका अन्वेषकहरुको लागि आकर्षक बिषय पनि हो । तर उनको उक्त कदम नेपालको इतिहासमा पहिलो बृहत आर्थिक क्रान्ति हो जुन उनले लहडमा वा चुटकि बजाएर गरेको होइन ठुलै संघर्ष पश्चात मात्र गर्न सकेका हो भन्ने कुरामा दुइमत छैन । पञ्चायतकालीन दास मनोवृत्ति ग्रस्त पुस्तक लेखकले महेन्द्रमल्लको गुणगान गाए तर शंखधरलाइ सम्झेनन । महेन्द्रमल्ल असल राजा थिए होला, तर ऊ राजा थिए, र राजा भनेका राम्रा हुन्छन भन्ने छाप बालमष्तिष्कमा पार्ने शाहि कुत्सित मनसायले ती राजा पाठ्यक्रममा अटाए । तर सर्वसाधारण ब्यक्ति भइकन पनि राजामहाराजाले गर्न नसकेका अथवा गर्न नचाहेका जनहितका मिशाल शंखधर साख्वालाइ नैतिकताको प्रतिबिम्ब ठानिएन । बल्कि इतिहासबाटै मेटाउने अनेक प्रयत्न नियोजित रुपमा गरीयो । पञ्चायतकाल मात्रै होइन त्यो भन्दा धेरै अघि शताब्दियौ देखि, तब देखि जब देखि नेपालमा सामन्ति राजतन्त्र बलियो हुँदै गयो । आधुनिक विश्वको इतिहासमा समाजमा आफ्नो एक्लो पौरखबाट नै सिङ्गो समाजलाइ आर्थिक दासताबाट मुक्त गराएको बिरलै सुन्न सकिन्छ । उनले जुन मेहनत र त्याग गरे, त्यस्तो काम गरेर देखाउने न कुनै चक्रवर्ति सम्राट छ न कुनै खानदानि धनी, न बिगतमा न अहिले नै । आज नेपालमा चरम गरीवि, धनी गरीब बीचको गहिरो खाडल, लगायतका यावत समस्याहरु रहेको बेला नेपाललाइ फेरी एउटा आर्थिक क्रान्ति चाहिएको छ । यो बेला राजामहाराजाको तस्बिर होइन सच्चा जनसेवकको तस्बिर नेपालको नोटमा राख्न आबश्यक छ । शंखधर जस्ता आर्थिक क्रान्तिकारीलाइ सम्मान गर्दा शायद हाम्रो देशमा अत्याबश्यक भएको आर्थिक क्रान्तिको निम्ति नैतिक बल मिल्ने छ । त्यसैले शंखधर साख्वाको तस्बीर नेपालको नयाँ नोटमा हुनु पर्दछ भन्ने पक्षमा मेरो बिचार ।।।।