Posted by: chanaa_tarkaari January 25, 2007
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h1b, this is what you showed up your real face. You now have come up with your ultra conservative opinion. There is not a single point of newar or bahun or anything else in this issue. Hey, don't try to undermine Shankhadhar just because he was newar. You are here to spoil communal and racist hatred in the name of bahun and non-bahun. Much debate has been done about Shankhadar and after confirming his unique contribution, he was included in the list of BHIBHUTI.
Try to destroy your conservative opionions against non-bahuns. I wonder you start defaming Janak and Sita because they were from maithili madhesi, or a buddha - from the clan of newar shakya, or Arniko, a local newar from bhaktapur, or Bhakti Thapa a magar soldier and so on. Too poor.
Probably your ideal person to place in the currency bill is JUNGE GYANE.