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Posted on 11-28-04 6:12
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Bulu Mukarung who was a musician. He became a member in Royal Academi. All Rai in USA should send him congratulation.
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Posted on 11-28-04 6:45
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nilima jee.........who is Bulu Mukarung? could you please enlighten me!!!!
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Posted on 11-28-04 8:01
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Hey there guy out there, your saracastic remarks makes my blood boil.Sometime I wonder if u guys are for real.I mean the kind of behaviour you have potray makes me wonder if you really are an eduacted people.If so, educated, it explains the racial discrimination in Nepal. So what, I am proud to be Rai !!!!
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Posted on 11-28-04 10:36
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well, rai, majar, limbu, bahun , chettri , kami , damai, sarki, whats a big deal? okie if ge got that royal academic thing good.........good to see kirats coming in power and going the hands to built the nation it is good to see naryan singh pun in politics.........kati chetrri bahun ...........laa aba kirati.....ko palo i think i know more about rai than any other dude except rai dude here.........dont ask me how
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Posted on 11-29-04 4:16
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I hate Bahuns, Kusheris, Newars! Bahuns: Khutta tanatan Kushetri: Kursi tanataan Thap Thapa Thapa khau mero Papa Newar: Bolekai bujhinna aba k bhanni ... ... ... They think Nwar=Nepal=Ktm=Them I love brave Rais. Until now they fight for British people. Now it's the time for them to fight for Nepal. Bhanja, deshko laagi chhatima goli thapa Britishko lagi haina.
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Posted on 11-29-04 4:55
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>>Sarala I agree about newars ( I am one myself btw ) . They need to at least learn not to speak in newari where all nepalese ppl have gathered. And one more thing ---- they shud have a broader perspective , things have changed for good.
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Posted on 11-29-04 8:29
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Sarala what a turnaround !! By the way I am not in the force, fighting for Bristish.I am glad that you have forgoton our first encounter which was not pleasant.Let the bygone b bygone.Thanks for your support.Thanks to Moneyminded Bro and others too. Regards, Bhanja(Singapore)
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Posted on 11-29-04 12:13
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OK. Enough is enough. I am disgusted at how racially motivated some of you wankers really are. Grow up... There is more to people than caste, race, color etc. I would not say any caste (Kirat included) is better than any other... We are all equal...
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Posted on 11-29-04 12:35
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Hello there, Before you jump into any conclusion you have to realise that our country was made up of many tiny states and those states consisted of people of different culture, ethinicity and at times different race.Now that the time has changed, the differences has been bridged although we still have some work to do. You also cannot blame certain "jaats" for this system. For eg. You cannot blame bahun/chettris for their political dominance. I guess as time will go more people beside that ethnicity will join the forces.Correct me if I am wrong but we are all culprits in some ways. Long ago, this whole caste system was set to have a better societal infrastructure;a structure to solidify the society so that we can have certain chores to do. But obviously it didnt work!! Having said that, just trying to blame it on each other does not do any good. Lets appreciate what we all contributed to the society rather than dipping into negativity.Lets just make CASTE a surname and not let it judge our hierarchy. And also being bitter about the past will destroy you. Life is too beautiful to be bitter.
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Posted on 11-29-04 6:58
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how come people got into racial issues? Bulu is Rai but nothing to do with racial thing. He is just not qualify among other great artist in Nepal. Look at his education background, his caceer, his character etc. As you all know there are so many better artiest in Nepal who does not do chaplusee. If any rai becomes proud of him then that is their choice. Just congratulate him for his Khutta moleko faida. wait and see.
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Posted on 11-29-04 7:05
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Rascaljee, He was a musician in Radio Nepal. I think he is Rai from Estern Nepal.One of the famouse khutta molne manchhe. He will be ready to do anything for money and woman
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Posted on 11-29-04 7:07
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Rascal jee, He is one of the musician in radio nepal. He does good chaplus. He'll be ready to do anything for money and woman.
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Posted on 11-29-04 7:30
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when one installs a system that is racist, biased, this will be the outcome, as present situation of nepal denotes. but, yeah, lets not waste time and energy to wrong the wrong. i love bulu mukarung's song "lekali hai hai choya ko doko", always warms our jam up sessions. as i do not know him personally, i cannot comment on his personal matters. sorry.
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Posted on 11-29-04 8:55
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well, then salute him. Personal matter? Yeah, if he make your sister pregnant and takes for aborson. Then ran away. Or marry your sister bit her, make her crazy, mental sickness for whole life then you know.
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Posted on 11-29-04 9:06
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nilimarai01 >He does good chaplus. He'll be ready to do anything for money and woman. it seems hea was a perfect play boy. It needs many tricks to be a play boy too. Nilima Jee, You think he does Chaplusi, तिमीले पुर्बाग्रह राखेर हरे जस्तो लाग्यो, ऊ त्यस्तो छैन। xTrimer >"lekali hai hai choya ko doko", यो गीत गाउने राम थापा हो, ब्रो के गफ दिन्छौ, यार?
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Posted on 11-29-04 10:06
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Hello Nilimarai01 Ji: First thing first, as a Non-Rai, but as a Proud Nepali, our well wishes to Mr. Bulu Mukrung for his success. Well, honesty, one thing, which I could not dig it at all on the post, at the same time you are gathering your fellowman in USA (through Sajha-which is a very good idea) to congratulate on your fellowman on his success, and at the very moment, you are bringing him down and his reputation by accusing chaapluse, womaniser and miscll. That really does not click at all... I really appreciate, neO and his associate of Sajha for bringing that issue on the front page of sajha about stopping racial discrimination. The three things that brings real chaos according to me are- age of a girl , religion and race (ethnicity). Even though these are chaotic topics and sensitive, the thing is, we can put forward these matters very cautiously. I did not mean to offend you, but it just seems like ironical. Or it's just me... I am Proud to be a "NEPALI", and I am more "Proud" to be a "NEPALI" than ever before, after exposing to western world. Regards!!!!!!!
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Posted on 12-02-04 8:43
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Well, He is not like fine. You have to get hurt to know someone. I still say if your sister get pregnant from him and does not marry. Just give some money for aborson. Then you know who is who. YOu don't need to reply me. Do not waste your time.
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Posted on 12-03-04 9:08
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Hello guys! Be cool !!! Nepal is CHAR JAT CHATTIS BAOWNA KO PHUL BARI HO--- Prithivi N shas. He persuaded to people that time. We don't need to convince same thing times and times, hopefully non of people look dumbs, or even drooped out at grade 4 . Why do we talk about cast, there are bad and good people in every cast, community, group or place? Forget about being radical racist, use your intelligence, people who involved in saja or any kinda media are at least literate. Com'n guys, don't act like only how much you know what to do, but learn that how you behave when you don't know what to do>
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Posted on 12-03-04 4:51
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Posted on 11-29-04 4:16 AM Reply hate Bahuns, Kusheris, Newars! Bahuns: Khutta tanatan Kushetri: Kursi tanataan Thap Thapa Thapa khau mero Papa Newar: Bolekai bujhinna aba k bhanni ... ... ... They think Nwar=Nepal=Ktm=Them I love brave Rais. Until now they fight for British people. Now it's the time for them to fight for Nepal. Bhanja, deshko laagi chhatima goli thapa Britishko lagi haina. sarala fokin rais limbus go fock urself racist slluts.. i am proud to be a nepali that's all i care about ... fokin sarala
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Posted on 12-03-04 8:06
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Stupid Rai brought all these kind of conversation, Please guys settle down. We are not going to win.
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Posted on 12-05-04 11:44
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