Posted by: Casey00 November 29, 2004
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Hello there,
Before you jump into any conclusion you have to realise that our country was made up of many tiny states and those states consisted of people of different culture, ethinicity and at times different race.Now that the time has changed, the differences has been bridged although we still have some work to do.
You also cannot blame certain "jaats" for this system. For eg. You cannot blame bahun/chettris for their political dominance. I guess as time will go more people beside that ethnicity will join the forces.Correct me if I am wrong but we are all culprits in some ways. Long ago, this whole caste system was set to have a better societal infrastructure;a structure to solidify the society so that we can have certain chores to do. But obviously it didnt work!!
Having said that, just trying to blame it on each other does not do any good. Lets appreciate what we all contributed to the society rather than dipping into negativity.Lets just make CASTE a surname and not let it judge our hierarchy.
And also being bitter about the past will destroy you. Life is too beautiful to be bitter.