Posted by: virtual_reality November 29, 2004
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Hello Nilimarai01 Ji:
First thing first, as a Non-Rai, but as a Proud Nepali, our well wishes to Mr. Bulu Mukrung for his success.
Well, honesty, one thing, which I could not dig it at all on the post, at the same time you are gathering your fellowman in USA (through Sajha-which is a very good idea) to congratulate on your fellowman on his success, and at the very moment, you are bringing him down and his reputation by accusing chaapluse, womaniser and miscll. That really does not click at all...
I really appreciate, neO and his associate of Sajha for bringing that issue on the front page of sajha about stopping racial discrimination. The three things that brings real chaos according to me are- age of a girl , religion and race (ethnicity). Even though these are chaotic topics and sensitive, the thing is, we can put forward these matters very cautiously.
I did not mean to offend you, but it just seems like ironical. Or it's just me...
I am Proud to be a "NEPALI", and I am more "Proud" to be a "NEPALI" than ever before, after exposing to western world.