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Posted on 10-25-23 12:36
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Just being brutally honest here. Now all I have is TPS. I work as a Software Engineer and salary is decent. (which probably most of us do). I just turned 30 and I regret that I didn’t marry my ex girlfriend who had a green card, feels like atleast I should have gotten green card. I was hooking up with this Asian girl (35F) who had a small kid, her ex husband also lives here and they do 50/50 coparenting. hooking up back to back made me fall for her and she fell for me. She wanted to help me with green card at the very beginning after 5 months of relationship but I wasn’t ready for marriage at that time, which I should have done. I feel like a dumbass for missing that opportunity. We broke up few months ago, after 1 and half year of relationship. Now I am regretting that I should have atleast gotten green card when she wanted to help. You guys think there is a hope for TPS? Sorry I am way to stressed out
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Posted on 10-25-23 1:19
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Y would a software engineer worry about a green card ?
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Posted on 10-25-23 1:33
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idk not sure how long it’s gonna take to make green card from employment based. I guessing turning 30 is making me think so many things. Feels like I am aging, and can’t think rationally
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Posted on 10-25-23 2:09
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In life, we all go through lots of 'if's and 'but's, that is a human nature I guess. I believe it is better to move on and plan for later than keep thinking about what you should have done earlier and all.
Do you think you can change your status to F1 or H1B after TPS ends? The waiting times for employment based green card for Nepalese nationals are way sooner than look at Indians, so be thankful for that. First think about getting some defined status rather than worrying about green card for now.
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Posted on 10-25-23 2:22
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If I go for masters if TPS ends, then I am guessing I can switch to F1? Also the company said that they will start processing for green card may be next year. All those first steps for employment based green card
Tesla guy
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Posted on 10-25-23 5:51
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What kind of software engineer are you username ??
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Posted on 10-25-23 6:02
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Java, Some angular js, recently started working on react since the company is switching to react from angular
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Posted on 10-25-23 7:49
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Yeah, you can go for Masters. Then maybe you can explore avenues like CPT and OPT again. If you still stick with the same employer who is willing to sponsor you the green card then may be it is possible to directly go from F1 to H1B with lesser time spent on OPT or no OPT at all may be. Other people can chime in if they know better.
Sexy In Sari
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Posted on 10-25-23 10:07
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Typical, all she wanted was to put her head on your shoulder, since she has a small child, she must be clueless with the person like you, but willing to take a risk and go further in life sponsoring you not knowing where it will take her,
But you just think just the apposite, and again, you are wishing you should have least taken a green card. Learn to change inside you, Green card will come knocking your door.
I have been through your life being F1 student, being a girl at that time, no TPS at that time, hard to find jobs after graduation, somehow I manage it. You can do it too.
Just be kind to others.
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Posted on 10-26-23 11:03
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Sexy in Sari,You talk like you have always been taking right decisions with your relationships you had in the past huh? Everyone goes through dilemmas in their lives, you are no different, Ma'm. We all know how you treated your ex-Newar (or some other caste) boyfriend and his family in your past. Please. Refrain from making such unsolicited advice! Look who is talking, some racist soul giving her piece of mind on 'relationship" topic!!
"Learn to change inside you, Green card will come knocking your door." I wonder how can you say the same thing for everyone, just because it worked for one case like yours?? Green card will come knocking your door...REALLY? Is it that easy? Woah!! This is most ignorant statement I have ever heard in Sajha!!!
"I have been through your life being F1 student, being a girl at that time, no TPS at that time, hard to find jobs after graduation, somehow I manage it. You can do it too." Only statements that show some positiveness!!
"Just be kind to others." Well, one can tell you are not doing the same and look now you are not making other people be kind on you either. You are such a bad energy, Boss!! Better learn to practice before you even preach, Dear!
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Posted on 10-26-23 11:19
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question for benidict .do you need physical ead card to apply for software job for first time or you can just show your TPS receipt ?
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Posted on 10-26-23 11:31
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@Hanuman1This is just an irrelevant question posed to me over here, but it's ok.As far as my knolwedge serves, you need to apply for the physical EAD card to present it to any prospective employer. TPS receipt or approval I guess is just to protect you from removal.
Sexy In Sari
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Posted on 10-26-23 11:47
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Last edited: 26-Oct-23 02:34 PM
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Posted on 10-26-23 11:57
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"के भाको नेपाली लोगने मान्छेहरु. मुसल्तेको जस्तो तल तुपोमा कातन परेमा आमालाई नेपालमा सोध्नु - बा को कस्तो छ , काटेको छ कि छैन भनेर . दीदि बहिनिलाई फोन गर्नु -भेना को कस्तो छ भनेर यसो जाचपूछ गर्नु . दशैमा टिका को कुराकानी पनि हुन्छ, जानकारी पनि पाईनछ.
आईमेले बोल्योकी प्याच प्याच बिचमा नेपाली लोग्नेमान्छेहरुको बोल्ने बानी... यसो दिदि बहिनिलाई चक्कीहरु पठाउनु, उनीहरुको स्वस्थमा कसरि सुधार ल्याउने त्यस्तो कुरातिर अलि ध्यान दिनु पर्यो."
ल हेर्नुस्,
कुनै नेपाली आईमाईले बोल्ने नेपाली भाषा यस्तो हुन्छ? लोल।
no wonder साझाको सबै जस्तो पोस्टमा सेक्सीजी कुनै आईमाइ नभएर फ्रस्ट्रेटेड भुस्तिघ्रे केटो या कुनै बिचको तेस्रो लिङी भएको शन्का पटक पटक गरिएको छ। बाँकी जनता जान्ने छन।
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Posted on 10-26-23 12:07
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सेक्सीजी अरुलाई चै बिचमा प्याच्च बोल्यो भनेर रिसाउने अनी आफुले बिचमा बोलेर आफुले मच्चाएको तान्डबको बारेमा चै बाल मतलब। सेक्सीजी को दिमागको नसा बुढो भयो होला, हाम्रो चै छैन ल।
१४ बर्ष पहिले पनि कसरी मान्छेहरु प्रताडित थिए यो सेक्सी इन सारी नामक केटो या केटी बाट, यो हेर्नुस्।
link is here.
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Posted on 10-26-23 12:34
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मैले सेक्सीजीलाई रेसिस्ट भन्नुको कारण यहाँ राख्दै। यो मान्छे "मु.." , "मा.. ", "घण्टा", "साले" मात्र बोल्ने नभएर नेपाली अरु जात, जातिका प्रती कस्तो आशय राख्दछ, तपाईंहरु आँफै पढ्नुस्। फिक्सन मानेर पढे केही थिएन, तर लेखाइ हेर्नुस् कसरी नेवार जातलाई नै गिराएर लेखेको छ। मलाई कसैलाई केही भन्नु अघी त्यो मान्छेले पहिले कस्तो बिहेभिएर राख्थ्यो, धेरै अर्थ राख्छ। बाँकी साझाका मेम्बरहरु जान्ने छन।
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Posted on 10-27-23 9:26
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It’s the age that is making you feel like that just apply for the employer based or bdv it will take some years but you will get it everybody has their own timelines
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Posted on 10-28-23 10:59
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people may call you जोइतिङ्ग्रे or anything but i can feel your pain . people sometimes take green card for granted but once its missed its missed forever . i came to US via border in same year 9 11 attacked happended . it was our unfortunate that all asylum filing that year had been denied . i only get green card in 2016 . i did not go home for 15 years and durung that 15 years cours everything changed in nepal and usa and my productive 15 year wasted for jsut piece of paper . i am supports your feelings and your real struggle for green card . those who got green card as a joke ( edv lottery ) will never understand ours struggle . same is the same of most fo students strggles