Sexy in Sari - suggestion to you - Sajha Mobile
Sexy in Sari - suggestion to you
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here, I am volunteering a little of my time to suggest Sexy in Sari who seems to be in a need of some serious advice:   (Reading both paragraphs is highly recommended)

The problem

When someone has a lot of free time, lonely, kind of retarded, feels like a loser, don't have anything to be proud of, no career at all, no bf/gf or not found anyone to get married with, spend more time on spoiling the society,  etc  S/he seriously needs to start thinking about how to get rid of this phychological disorder. Yes this is absolutely "phychological disorder"


In this situation, early to bed, early to rise theory really helps. There are also number of other helps available easily these days, I heard that they have just opened a "toy store" in kathmandu. Stopping there sometimes could also help. If you own a computer and not using cyber cafe one, you can just google porn sites and visit them for free..that greatly helps you stimulate your organs and release the stimulated fluid intensly, matrimonial sites are very much helpful to find a real person to share or exchange of those fluids, and even to find a scarface for a lifetime who is also in a need of serious help like youself. I would not suggest those girl selling, prostitute web sites since cops in nepal are became more visilant and also they are way bigger than your wallet. But if you check around "new buspark" area during evening, you can find the BOGO deal. Buy her/him and get a couple condoms for free! yes, her or him as per your neccessity. They cost just a little more than a lighter, so no worries there. If you carry both male/and female organs (Combo) then there is an easy life.

I'm just a well wisher, please don't take it otherwise. If its my wrong conception,,,I hope you will let this small woodland creature go.

lord help you!

Last edited: 14-Dec-09 10:23 AM
Last edited: 14-Dec-09 10:27 AM
Last edited: 14-Dec-09 10:30 AM
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 Never wrestle in the mud with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it.


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SIS is a dude who seems to have developed some kind of psychological problems over the number of years during his stay in the U.S. 

Like its already been said, he seems to have plenty of time, and resorts to lying and making nonsense comments to elevate himself up, maybe a pathetic method to gain some self-confidence. 

He claims to have attended Georgetown University but when asked, deletes the comments. Further, his grasp over English clearly displays his lies! Of course, he could be talking about Georgetown Community college ( surely there's gotta be one across the U.S. ). 

SIS, please get original, get real and grow up! And don't take my backlashes personally. Take them as criticisms in a graceful manner and change. Changes are good. Don't make a fool out of yourself. 
Sexy In Sari
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OMG! Jo Chor Usko Thulo Shor.  Have you seen the court records of Nepalese Students in US in All States?  They have the highest violation than any other International Students in US. These report is coming soon.  Why is this happening? Because these Students are like Goru..nobody showing and telling them how to be civilized in society. And Most Nepalese who lives in US don't care but want to have a good  life for themselves. Why I am so interested? Because I am Nepali. I don't want anybody to know me in this way, like, lottery chor, etc. If your parents are happy that you are knows as Daku, Chor, in US, thats fine with me. 

Since when Nepalese start to do farming on Pigs, I think they like Buffalo. LOL.
Last edited: 14-Dec-09 11:09 AM
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well well wonder why you all have to be so defensive and speak out against SIS. I am still amazed to see why you take his/her comment personally..seriously i think it's you who has the lonely heart no bf gf problem rather than SIS. Ignoring SIS is the best way to go, no need for all this drama.
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I would like to ask SIS what's wrong with eating Buffallo's meat? Any Scientific reason? Buffallo meat is one of the best meat because it has less fat and more taste especially sukuti and yakulako masu with farshi.I personally don't like chicken, turkey and goat meat.Chicken and turkey don't have taste and Goat meat has nasty smell.Goat meat is only eaten in Nepal, India and MiddleEast. Rest of the world don't eat Goat meat because of its nasty smell not because they don't know about Goat.

Most of the Nepalese like to show off.They want to show the other people that they can afford goat meat.They eat Goat meat  not becasue of the taste but to maintain their status.If it is expensive, most of the Nepalese want it to show off. It was  in the food channel the food taster of  Travel Channel said buffalo meat is as good as beef. I know some of the bahuns don't eat garlic, onions and mushrooms, any scientific reason or don't know how to prepare good meal or don't have taste bud? I cannot stand who makes fun of eating buffalo meat.Give me the scientific reason why we cannot eat it.

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Like · Liked by · 0 on whatever...this proves that my conception was true...not wrong at any point. At this situation....

Pity on them who gave birth to you.

Some Nepalese should have started farming on pigs long ago,,,we have to appreciate their production......a swine like you rarely grows in a farm!

I hope you will be a great bacon soon!


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SIS got one thing right though, Sari is sexy indeed! I prefer women in Sari and Kurta over Skirts or Pants. 
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Best way is to ignore, and don't respond any of SIS's post. Don't give pigs a diamond.
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Best way is to ignore, and don't respond any of SIS's post. Don't give pigs a diamond.
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Bhai Jo loj, tusi kithe meri bhain SIS ke piche padela re? Sale ji dum hai to ana sab ke samne, meri bhain ne hichke do haat lagai na tab teri fategi, baat karta hai.............ha
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Here is my suggestion for her (if she is really HER, I hope she is not SajhaKoHero,
I think S.I.S. came to sajha around same time when we get rid of SKH,
who also had similar attitude to the people....."Gadha lai dhoyera Gai bandainan..
testai SKH lai sari lagayer sexy dekhidaina.. lol.. my personal view)

You don't have to have foul-mouth to get a Guy's (either Nepali/Non-Nepali) attention.

Here is an example for you look how sexy she is looking on her sari, wish you can learn that

Last edited: 14-Dec-09 01:24 PM
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कहाँ बाट आयो यो धोती फेरी? नेपाली होस् भने नेपाली नै बोल्न ओएे ,,,,,,आज सम्म ईन्डियाको धोती ले नेपाली बोलेको सुनेको छस? कि माओवादीले तलाई पनि अर्कै एउटा राज्य खोल्दियो र उर्लेको तो?

मेरा  भारत महान भन अब कपुत!      

हैन सबैलाई नेपाली बोल्न आउँदा आउँदै किन हिन्दीमा बोल्छन ह यि नेपाली बन्धुहरु?


Last edited: 14-Dec-09 01:26 PM
Mr. lonly
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साथी Rodiohead , भाषा ले देश छुतौदैन , साथी धेरै अज्ञानी रहिछौ , शायद पढ्ने बेला मा चोर्न हिदौ कि र चोरेरै पास भयौ कि । सिक्किम मा धेरै ईण्डियन हरु छन जो नेपाली बोल्चन तर तिम्रो सरकार ले नागरिकता दिदैन , एस्ता उदहर्न धेरै छन साथी, अस्ती भर्खर साथी ले धोती को gas मा काम गर्दा स्पानिश बोल्ने प्रयास गरेको बिर्स्या जस्तो छ।



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म्र लोन्ली, कतिपये कुराहरुमा भाषाले पनि देश छुट्टाउछ,,,बुझ्नु म फरक पर्छ। अहिले म किन नेपाली मा टाइप गरिरहेको छु?   किन हिन्दी मा टाइप गरेको छैन मैले? तपाईंले किन नेपालीमा टाइप गर्नु भयो? हिन्दी मा किन गर्नु भएन? समय, परिस्थिती र ठाउँ अनुसारको भाषा, ईशारा, र लवाइ खवाइ मान्छे को फरक हुनु पर्छ आफ्नो पहिचान जोगाउन लाई।

धोती को पसलमा काम गर्द धोती नै बोल्नु पर्ने स्थिती आउँदा हिच्किचौनु भएन,,,तर काम सकेर घर फर्के पछी छोरा छोरी परिवार साथी भाई हरु सँग पनि हिन्दी मै गफ दिने?  बोल्दिने पन्जाबी भाषा मा?

हे पठ्मुर्ख लोन्ली जि, सिक्नुस्। साझा अहिले पनि एउटा नेपालीहरु मात्र चल्खेल गर्ने नेपाली परिवार मात्र छ। यो न कुनै धोती को पसल हुन सकेको छ न त कुनै पन्जाबीको सेहेरा। यहाँ हामी निख्खर नेपाली सुद्द भाषा प्रयोग गर्द नबुझ्ने १ प्रतिस्शत भन्दा कमै होलान।

हे पठ्मुर्ख लोन्ली, अर्को कुरा,,,सिक्किम, दार्जीलिङ, कलिङ्पोङ, कर्सँग, सिलिगुरी, पानीटन्की, नक्सल, लगायत सम्पूर्ण त्यो क्षेत्र नेपाल थियो भन्ने थाहा छ नि तपाईं लाई? त्यो तपाईं जस्तै धोती प्रेमी हरुले गर्दा ईन्डिया भएको छ अहिले। तर त्यहा का बासिन्दा गौरवका साथ नेपाली बोल्छन। हिन्दी अझै पनि बोल्दाइनन। जसरी तपाईं नेपाल मै बसेर हिन्दी बोल्न रमाउनु हुन्छ।

लोन्ली पठ्मुर्ख, हामी नेपाली हो, हाम्रो भाषा छ आफ्नै। हामीले हाम्रो परिवार, समाज भित्र अरु कुनै पनि भाषा प्रयोग गर्नु पर्ने जरुरी छैन।

र अन्त्य मा, मैले चोरेरै पासा गरेको पढ्ने बेला मा अमेरिका मा धोतीनीहरु सँग यौन संपर्क राख्थे। 

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