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Posted on 09-20-04 11:19
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ok jsut posting a new thread. there is a mentality in nepal that people think a foreign degree from us,uk,aus or basically is better then the nepalese degree,similar to people having a mentality about science commerce and arts. i have always wondered why is a foreign degree so much highly rated for professional as well as social purpose.wherever you study be it nepal or be it bhutan or aus ,you have to work hard to get a degree and whatever they teach you , say for example in economics in bhutan ,they teach the same to you in aus as well as us of a.say for example( i dont know about science hai.........) the theory of relativity is same all over the world. now why do people go to this foriegn lands to learn many of the subjects that are easily available in our country.is it really for the "degree" or is the degree a secondary matter? well it is understandable for people to go abroad for some very specailized subjects like rocket science or neuclear thing and also for some real high education but for ssubjects that are available in our universities which are as good as any university's program. also for example say computer science,why not india?casue i think india is as good as any place for computer science if not better but why is every body wanting to go to usa for that !!!!!!!!!!!!! so i have always wondered is it the foriegn degree people are genuinly pursuing or is it the foreign land???????
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Posted on 09-29-04 9:09
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I hearby declare this chapter closed. You can't post here anymoer, its locked.
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Posted on 09-29-04 2:11
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aiteee mahakal.. you're the most intellegent guy in the world. happy now?? what stays there is, you've got your degree and i've got mine and mine is more marketable, whether you believe it or not.. i can sell it to everywhere in the world and not get frustrated over it. I do not need to come to sajha and bash on people for having better degrees and tell them "mofos" and "whores" to prove my degrees. hahahahahahah...so sorry dude.. prozac might help :) good luck
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Posted on 09-29-04 2:38
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GROW UP KID!! And yes try to spell your curses correctly if u have curse somebody okay? SAYONARA TO THIS WILD PIG!! ....sweetiepie inferiority complex ,my assss, hell with that.you being in america have a superiority complex hahahah ,cheap ( if there is anything below that you know that i might not know then read thatit as that) thats the only word i can use.superior hahahaha. sweetpie lastly for you only you .you are a mouth full "thick cum".well i myself filled that thing between the double quote for you unlike u who left me to think for myself what was in the double qoute of yours.and yeah i know how to spell,beeeeeech !!!!!!!hahahaha ...mahakaal If that's the way how civillized and educate degree holder debate with eachother then F**k Jejus i love to be uncivilized......hehehehe ooops did i said tht star words...............NIVAN
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Posted on 09-29-04 10:16
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hahahah yeah it is funny.frustation hahhahaha.i never said me is better or worse well that now looks a historical thing since the basic idea of the thread was took a different path a long time back.yeah right you can sell it better than mine ofcourse dude you can i know that.i studied in a poor country nepal llike mine and you from the states.so it is obvious when it comes to marketabilty.but yeah you "MOFOS" need to get that in your mind it does because it comes from USA and not becasue it is superior.that was the whole point i wanted to say but oh well thats a different story. you cheap suckers are of a mentality that one who doesnt know how to speak english is ignorant or medical doctor is superior to a historian etc. dont fly so high that it might be hard to get down to the ground reality.get in your head that not all nepali graduates are unemployed and not all foreign graduates are employed be it wherever in the world. if you think not being in the us gives one a depression then i can only imagine your level of thought that i already mentioned CHEAP. i hope the chapter/thread will be closed /stopped here on casue all the foreign degree holders dont need to or dont have time to prove they are better cause they think they are and i say better my asssssss. long live your neprican attitude. ha ha ha
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Posted on 09-29-04 10:19
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and yeah lastly even if you come with something more to say or whatever i wont bother meself to answer or write to you cheap neprican suckers with a "superiority complex".faaaaaaack that.
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Posted on 09-30-04 2:00
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take a cold shower... jelousy does no good..degree does not mean you have learned enough. Degree basically means that you have ability to learn. So what are you bragging about.. if you're talented, resourceful , if you have the capacity then of course you will be credited no matter where you are.... You are judging on American institutions when you have no expirence about the American Institutions. Which is wrong. Yes there are dumb and smart people in every race, every country and every culture. There are smart people in Nepal and there are smart people in America and the same applies with the dumb people. Believe it or not, American system of education in good Universities in the USA do have credibility prepare you for more learning. They did not just earn that reputation because they are rich. They are rich because they have the credibility. If you do not believe that then please come to the USA , even in an exchange program and compare it yourself. I am not defending Amercian system of education because i received my degree from one of the Universities in the USA. However, I believe that good thing should be praised. Nepali universities have lot of learn and follow from the U.S universities. Learning should not be blocked by jelousy and hatred, not should learning be bounded by the national boarders.
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Posted on 09-30-04 9:50
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hey dyamn..........awesome points!! Be careful mahakal will try his best to reply his response in curses as with me!! BRAVO BRO!
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Posted on 09-30-04 10:11
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i think this is a good thread to complain abt my nepali teachers: man, those guys use to whip us with bamboo stick, pull our side burns for not cutting the hair, and so much stuff..aah samjhiyo bhanne, tei SIGN bUDO lAI pittidina maan lagcha.. AGRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! they abuse kids in nepal!!!!
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Posted on 10-01-04 10:35
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Well hey hope I am allowed to stick to the main topic though there are a lot more discussions going around. Well I did 1 and a half year of my BBA in nepal and am here in states at present. There are a lot pf subjects which are taught here... and they are taught in nepal too.. so whats the difference???? The teachers here explain it so good that one gets to know the whole concept better and does not have to cram up. I am saying this with personal experience.. I have done at least 3-4 subjects having the same contents... ppl are right here... the contents are universally same.. but the technique and the availabiloty of material is better here. Thats what makes the Degree in foriegn better. But I also agree that if you study your butt off in nepal and have a personal tuition teacher the results can be good... BUT there really is no practicality in Nepal. The teachers do teach us stuff but never in the practical perspective. When I did Econ in Nepal our teacher would teah us Demand and stuff with Shyam buying 6 apples.. eating it and being so full that he cant eat anymore.. so he is full he wont want apples anymore.... but in real are these practical?? I think not... but here they get you slides and other stuff and it is in practical terms... and thats what education is about.. being able to apply it in practical form so that later you can use it in your job... I am not trying to offend everyone.. this is just my observation... I love Nepal and hate to hear stuff aginst it bu t thats the truth... ask anyone.. you cant ever compare th classrooms in Nepal with the classrooms here.... Though the contents are same but there is a big thing missing in the Nepali education.... NOW please dun go callin me names... I just wanted to tell the truth!!