Posted by: ANJ October 1, 2004
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Well hey hope I am allowed to stick to the main topic though there are a lot more discussions going around. Well I did 1 and a half year of my BBA in nepal and am here in states at present. There are a lot pf subjects which are taught here... and they are taught in nepal too.. so whats the difference????
The teachers here explain it so good that one gets to know the whole concept better and does not have to cram up. I am saying this with personal experience.. I have done at least 3-4 subjects having the same contents... ppl are right here... the contents are universally same.. but the technique and the availabiloty of material is better here. Thats what makes the Degree in foriegn better. But I also agree that if you study your butt off in nepal and have a personal tuition teacher the results can be good... BUT there really is no practicality in Nepal. The teachers do teach us stuff but never in the practical perspective.
When I did Econ in Nepal our teacher would teah us Demand and stuff with Shyam buying 6 apples.. eating it and being so full that he cant eat anymore.. so he is full he wont want apples anymore.... but in real are these practical?? I think not... but here they get you slides and other stuff and it is in practical terms... and thats what education is about.. being able to apply it in practical form so that later you can use it in your job...
I am not trying to offend everyone.. this is just my observation... I love Nepal and hate to hear stuff aginst it bu t thats the truth... ask anyone.. you cant ever compare th classrooms in Nepal with the classrooms here.... Though the contents are same but there is a big thing missing in the Nepali education.... NOW please dun go callin me names... I just wanted to tell the truth!!