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 Why do american movie dont reflect reality

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Posted on 04-04-05 5:57 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Movies reflect reality."
what was said but when i see american or british movie i get the feeling that they manipulate many thing.
(For now i dont want to go to technical stuffs)
if the movie is not action,then the movie is mostly about adultery(wife /husband betraying).....and most fake thing as i feel is how quickly people fall in love ,may be have sexual relation with people in no time .first meeting then dinner then coming down to sex....quite strange and matured life at may be 10 or 14...

Are these real.Do not quite digest.
I have heard that here are lot of expert around here from america .
what do u have to say.
Posted on 04-11-05 11:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bathroom cofee your being so stupid as ussual. You see a view you dont like and you cant stand the fact someone has a different mind. Grow up.

If a girl has sex with every guy she meets and has sex within 10 mins of meeting a guy or whatever. Or just has sex with a guy she is only been on a date like 2 times...isnt that what you would consider slutty? Same with the guys who do this with women. Is this normal accepted behavior? Maybe you like to do this type of stuff, well I dont...just because I have a different opinion doesnt mean you have to pee your pants in anger about my view.

For me in movies, I dont like to see sex and nudity all the time. It takes away from the story or time where they could have a lot of cool action.

I am in no way scared of sex. The Bible is in no way scared about sex. In fact the Bible talks about it a lot!! Sex was created by God so why would I be ashamed of it? Sex is good. Its just better to have sex when you are married to the girl and to have waited for her. Otherwise there are a lot of bad things that can happen, like STD's, unwanted pregancies, hurt emotions etc...

If you dont like my view then I am sorry. You can just ignore me and forget about it. But I know you wont...because you are just that way.
Posted on 04-11-05 11:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I hear you dude....american movies depict fertility...not reality...I agree. hehehe
Posted on 04-11-05 1:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dude thats is not reality though ! You see what I am saying. You need to be more realistic, ITS ONE THING TO BE TOUTING ABSTINENCE AND A WHOLE ANOTHER THING TO SEE THE RISE IN TEEN PREGNANCIES, AIDS EPEDEMIC, STD's. If abstinence worked GREAT but reality is it doesn't. Another thing is that I have nothing against you and your religion. If you could argue logically with reason..fine with me. But I have big problem when you come in here fanatically touting bible(without being resonable).

And its one thing to say sex without resposibility or consequence is bad. But another thing to belittle those who are having multiple partner sex and are diagnosed with AIDS. You talk as if those people have no right to live(like they are social outcaste). Thats pure descrimination by defition. Just like you descriminate non Christians by saying they are goin to hell just for not believing in your bible.
Posted on 04-11-05 4:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Andrew....you seem like an ok guy....but for you to come on a board full of hindus and to say shitt like they are going to hell if they do not convert to christianity---well, lets just say it is disrespectful at the very least...

Bathroomcoffee...calm down and slowly remove your fingers from the caplocks key...let me try one time...IS THIS HOW YOU SHOW EMOTION??..
Posted on 04-12-05 6:53 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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methodman what are you talking about? You just made a wild accusation against me without an evidence. I did not ever come here just to bash hindus and say they are going to hell. Dont make up lies about me.

Also bathroom coffee you are full of crap. You make everything up you say against me and try to twist everything I say to make me look bad. You make up lies about me hating people who arnt Christians which is not true.
You also are the one with screwed up logic. not me! I am the one thinking logical. if a guy has multiple partner sex and gets an STD he did it to himself. Why should I feel super pitiful for him? Hey it is HIS choice and I respect that but is you screw around in a dangerous lifestyle then you are bound to get something bad. And abstinence is the most effective form of sex protection that exists. Even our american sex brochures admit this!!! The brochures that also tell you how to use condoms and birth controls. The options are on the table! No one is forcing abstinence. Some people just want absitence to actually be talked about! Your kind descriminates against me because I have different moral values and think abstinence should be mentioned. Your people will not allow it to be talked about!

If you want to get down to it its all propaganda to make money off of abortions. The more sex, the more pregnancies, the more abortioned Planned Parenthood can execute, the more cash roles up on the table!

I just want the truth to be talked about. COndoms work a lot, but not always. You have to know there is still a 15% chance of them not working. The odds of STD's and pregancies are less, but they are still there. Also some STD's do not get blocked from a condom, there are also some STD's that can go from the testicles onto the vagina and still infect you.

Also what about emotional pain and heart ache from sex? Sex is not just some phsyical act strictly. There is a lot of emotion and feelings involved. Its very hard for some people to put this away.

The best thing is KNOW your parnter, dont just have sex like in the American movies. If you make the choice to have sex then be smart, use a condom but KNOW who you are with. This is your choice.
But for my choice I believe its better to wait and have one partner and not have sex with anyone else but then and romance works better for me that way anyway.

You have a university education so I would think you would have true logical thinking.
Posted on 04-12-05 8:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey Andrew,
I am not making any lies about you, but according to Christianity people who don't accept Jesus Christ as their savior go to hell right(isen't that religious descrimination ? Do you believe that you are a human being ? As per your Bible we as humans sin or make mistakes right (you yourself said condoms are not 100%)? And Aids and std's do not just crop up on polygamous people, it occurs on people like you who are monogamous too. And the way you belittle those victims is not very Christianlike is it ? They are human being just like you and me..NO NEED TO DISPARAGE THEM...like you do.

And what about unwanted pregnancies by accident or rape victims? You mean to tell me that a rape victim would have to keep the baby even if she does not want to ? And you come here talking about rolling $$$ off of abortions ? What about the $$$ the church collects after every sermon to buy the plaque cards for people like you to protest in front of Planned Parenthood clinics(which is waste of time and $$$)? How about diverting that $$$ and effort to feed some homeless people dying of hunger !!!

"Sex is not just some phsyical act strictly." Well I would say people who are in sex trade(one of the oldest professions) would disagree with that. Then again you will go on a rampage on how flesh trade is all wrong and blah blah blah. BUT THE FACT IS ITS HAS EXISTED FROM THE BEGINING OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION(like it or not). I am willing to accept it but people your kind still deny the fact that it even exist to this day. I guess gays also have no right to exist then(according to your Bible) huh !! even though they have been around since the creation of human civilization.

Ha ha ha Ohhh so now you are saying be smart and use a condom ? hohoho What about abstinence dude ? You prefer romance to physical relationship good for you(if you can take care of your own urges with your hairy palms).

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