Posted by: BathroomCoffee April 11, 2005
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Dude thats is not reality though ! You see what I am saying. You need to be more realistic, ITS ONE THING TO BE TOUTING ABSTINENCE AND A WHOLE ANOTHER THING TO SEE THE RISE IN TEEN PREGNANCIES, AIDS EPEDEMIC, STD's. If abstinence worked GREAT but reality is it doesn't. Another thing is that I have nothing against you and your religion. If you could argue logically with reason..fine with me. But I have big problem when you come in here fanatically touting bible(without being resonable).
And its one thing to say sex without resposibility or consequence is bad. But another thing to belittle those who are having multiple partner sex and are diagnosed with AIDS. You talk as if those people have no right to live(like they are social outcaste). Thats pure descrimination by defition. Just like you descriminate non Christians by saying they are goin to hell just for not believing in your bible.