Posted by: Andrew WA April 11, 2005
Why do american movie dont reflect reality
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Bathroom cofee your being so stupid as ussual. You see a view you dont like and you cant stand the fact someone has a different mind. Grow up. If a girl has sex with every guy she meets and has sex within 10 mins of meeting a guy or whatever. Or just has sex with a guy she is only been on a date like 2 times...isnt that what you would consider slutty? Same with the guys who do this with women. Is this normal accepted behavior? Maybe you like to do this type of stuff, well I dont...just because I have a different opinion doesnt mean you have to pee your pants in anger about my view. For me in movies, I dont like to see sex and nudity all the time. It takes away from the story or time where they could have a lot of cool action. I am in no way scared of sex. The Bible is in no way scared about sex. In fact the Bible talks about it a lot!! Sex was created by God so why would I be ashamed of it? Sex is good. Its just better to have sex when you are married to the girl and to have waited for her. Otherwise there are a lot of bad things that can happen, like STD's, unwanted pregancies, hurt emotions etc... If you dont like my view then I am sorry. You can just ignore me and forget about it. But I know you wont...because you are just that way.
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