Posted by: BathroomCoffee April 12, 2005
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Hey Andrew,
I am not making any lies about you, but according to Christianity people who don't accept Jesus Christ as their savior go to hell right(isen't that religious descrimination ? Do you believe that you are a human being ? As per your Bible we as humans sin or make mistakes right (you yourself said condoms are not 100%)? And Aids and std's do not just crop up on polygamous people, it occurs on people like you who are monogamous too. And the way you belittle those victims is not very Christianlike is it ? They are human being just like you and me..NO NEED TO DISPARAGE you do.
And what about unwanted pregnancies by accident or rape victims? You mean to tell me that a rape victim would have to keep the baby even if she does not want to ? And you come here talking about rolling $$$ off of abortions ? What about the $$$ the church collects after every sermon to buy the plaque cards for people like you to protest in front of Planned Parenthood clinics(which is waste of time and $$$)? How about diverting that $$$ and effort to feed some homeless people dying of hunger !!!
"Sex is not just some phsyical act strictly." Well I would say people who are in sex trade(one of the oldest professions) would disagree with that. Then again you will go on a rampage on how flesh trade is all wrong and blah blah blah. BUT THE FACT IS ITS HAS EXISTED FROM THE BEGINING OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION(like it or not). I am willing to accept it but people your kind still deny the fact that it even exist to this day. I guess gays also have no right to exist then(according to your Bible) huh !! even though they have been around since the creation of human civilization.
Ha ha ha Ohhh so now you are saying be smart and use a condom ? hohoho What about abstinence dude ? You prefer romance to physical relationship good for you(if you can take care of your own urges with your hairy palms).