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Posted on 04-04-05 5:57
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"Movies reflect reality." what was said but when i see american or british movie i get the feeling that they manipulate many thing. (For now i dont want to go to technical stuffs) if the movie is not action,then the movie is mostly about adultery(wife /husband betraying).....and most fake thing as i feel is how quickly people fall in love ,may be have sexual relation with people in no time .first meeting then dinner then coming down to sex....quite strange and matured life at may be 10 or 14... Are these real.Do not quite digest. I have heard that here are lot of expert around here from america . what do u have to say. thanks.
Andrew WA
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Posted on 04-04-05 8:03
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Yes you are right. they do not reflect reality. Its funny how no one gets pregnant or gets diseases or have any consequences with the sex in movies. A lot of people have promiscuous sex but its not as glamorous as hollywood makes it. So dont go trying it because you see it in a movie. Most american films are trash. And no most Americans do not have sex just because they eat dinner...
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Posted on 04-04-05 8:55
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Hey Andrew, What world do you live in ? PROMISCUOUS SEX IS NOT AL GLAMOROUS AS HOLLYWOOD MAKES IT ? Are you deaf, dumb, and blind ? You must be really really retarded. Have you even seen the teen pregnancy rate ? Yeah since you and your Moronic President started preaching Abstinence ..have you even seen the teen pregnancy and the AIDS epidemic on an upward climb ? Its people with your idelology that cut off funding to sex education in public schools. With the world population exploding this idiot has cut off all funding to UN palmily planning programmes too. AMERICANS DON"T HAVE SEX CAUSE THEY HAVE DINNER ? OXYMORON statement.
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Posted on 04-04-05 9:22
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Another point- Africa where the AIDS epedemic is impetuous, your religious right frens refuse to distribute condoms that can SAVE LIVES. Don't come around here preaching that crap unless you want to see the true reality not farbricated by your Christian views.
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Posted on 04-04-05 10:50
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Hey bathroomcoffee....chill out ya dumbfuk...this is just the internet.
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Posted on 04-04-05 12:05
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Dear andy, kinda funny that it is you and me again debating over the forgotten thread, first and foremost americans have a different creed than we nepalese, they see different and they believe different, therefore impromptu sex is is common here whereas it is considered taboo back home. Also, movies last mere 2 hours even less...and the director definitely does not want to spend his time displaying the details of a protagonist wearing a latex. Bathroom coffee....please do not create a showdown man....it is all debate.
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Posted on 04-04-05 12:27
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Hey Methodman, why tha fug don't you shut up wanna be KAALEY HOPSI. What you do you think you memorized 2 verses of a Rap song and you think you're fugin' MALCOM X.
Andrew WA
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Posted on 04-04-05 12:39
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hahahahahahaha!!!! Bathroom coffee your hilarious!!! This post was about if amerian movies reflect reality or not. THEY DONT! If you actually think they depict real life you are the REAL idiot!!! On movies people meet and like the next scene they are having hardcore sex. So basically they meet and are on the same team against the bad guys in the movie or whatever and go to dinner...then all of a suddan after exchanging names they are having sex. Is this truthfully accurate of most people? NO!!!! Does this actually ever happen? well YES but in no way is it normal and in no way is it what ussually happens. Is sex as hot and glamourous as hollywood makes it? NO!!! Hollywood over does it and makes it out to be all awsome and of course the man is a stud and ALWAYS satisfies the woman and there is no pregancy, there is no concern for STD's or anyones past sexual history. Its just stupid. Sex scenes are just a way for ratings. Add a little pornography to a movie and you will sell more tickets. I dont see how this post at all had anything to do with George Bush and abstinence. but since you brought it up GWB is doing a good thing about abstinence. Abstinence is the safest way possibly to not get an STD. Wait till you are married and know your partner and you will have a successful romantic life with a good family made. Promiscuous sex is dangerous and if you dont wear a condom its even worse, but condoms only protect 85%!! There is still a 15% chance to get disease or pregnant!! what do you want to do risk 15% of your life?? Condoms need to be talked about realistically! All of this sex education is all propaganda to make people want to have sex all the time so Planned Parenthood can cash in on abortions. Its good for people to know about sex, but its kind of ovedone now days and pretty much pressures everyone into having sex and hardly anyone ever talks about abstinence even being an option. IT IS an option. Hollywood movies should never be taken as anything that really happens in real life. Sex is not that easy. Also you cant just sexualized a woman and then later go off...women and men have different feelings and emotions about sex. You cant just treat people like that. but of course who am I to say anything? Im just an evil fundamentalist conservative Christian!!
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Posted on 04-04-05 12:59
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spoken like a true footsoldier of God.
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Posted on 04-05-05 9:37
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well The tropic is about the US movies reflecting truth not not any sexual dieases. ok that might be some what related but the main topic went unanswered. i totally agree with the people saying that american movie dont reflect reality,then is it all about money now forgetting all ethics. especially this part of world people totally create a pseudo image of life there ,seeing the movies and all (after all they dont have discussion and people to guide them and say what is being showed is not right.) so i think they dont have rigfht to mis guide people. and i think its fault of people involved in movies here ,they dont emphasize on circus like thing shown in american movies ,they rather copy it showing that they are right. so the ultimate loser is viewer like us. any way that veil of manipulation should be removed. But after all it is all business.
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Posted on 04-06-05 2:24
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Innovation, well...can you list a few movie industries around the globe which make movies closer to life? Look at Rajesh Hamal's larger than life Image, he sings with the actress around the trees and shrubs and the background music comes out from nowhere...have you expressed your love to your beloved dancing around the bushes? Same with Indian movies...also...the high voltage action of crouching tiger hidden dragon has little to do with reality....never seen anyone jump a 100 feet high defying all odds of gravity. I just wonder what is this entire discussion about?
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Posted on 04-06-05 2:24
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innovation bro hehe... wanna hear me opionion? why care for american movies...when if u wanna see reality u can see with ur own eyes :o)..if u dun see reality ..most prob u dun wanna see it and closing ur eyes to it and watching movies(who cares american or not ;oP) which aint really reality ;o) reality is....reality doesnt sell ;o)..thats why they dun make much reality movies anywhere..reality comes for free ni ;o)... see it to believe it hehehe anyways that is me opinion..could be wrong like always hehe... have fun.. and dyam u just reminded me..been ages since i last watched a movie....think i deserve to watch one soon ;o)...hehe good day.. danny
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Posted on 04-06-05 2:26
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Truly said dannanah, This is a highly redundant thread.
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Posted on 04-06-05 2:36
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john bro hehe...dhat...just me opinion ho ;o).. maybe true for u.. cheers..:o) hehe but aru ko lai..diff ni ;o)..diff opinions hehe.. anyways didnt came to say that...well i saw ur baby chori ko pic the other time :o)..and well since i guess i didnt really know u...didnt wanna say anything then hehe..but since now u typed to me..well alikiti rista bhoyo hoina?l;oP well im weird sorry ;oP.. anyways to cut the chase... ur chori is beautiful :o)...and maybe she have a beautful life..and if i ever have a chori...well she will be beautiful too in her own ways hehe...but well..just wanna say...bless ur chori :o)..tho most prob she is already blessed having u as one part of her parents ;o)..arko part ta timi le thaha cha...how special she is ;o)..aru lai kina thaha hunu paryo hoina?;oP hehe...anyways maybe ur chori be blessed more :o)....and same goes to the ppl around her... cheers.. danny (no more replies pls hehe..im out and dun mind me typing jpt :o)...words doesnt mean a thing does it?;oP)
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Posted on 04-06-05 5:29
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well john the post is from nowhere redudant as u say. well when we say movies doesnt reflect reality ,i feel that it will be unwise to say that all movies dont reflect reality. may be number the movies are commercialized and so may be diff and next thing u say it is not easy to close the eyes and say all the thing shown are fake ,if it was so no people would have watched it more over it has also effect in real life (think of emotional fool called "fans") so i even use to think when i was teen that ameriacan life is much differnent ,free money every where free sex as they say.................. but actually things are not to be .... so not fair. for eg 9 time out of 10 when a young boy met gal in movie(US) they dine together and it ends up with the sex(though it may be first meeting) at least that doesnt happen in nepali movies....
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Posted on 04-06-05 5:32
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for eg 9 time out of 10 when a young boy met gal in movie(US) they dine together and it ends up with the sex(though it may be first meeting) at least that doesnt happen in nepali movies.... ........................................................................................................... But it happens in reality. lol
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Posted on 04-06-05 6:38
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rose ji tat happens in reality re :O:O:O ABUI!!.. dyam...and i was gonna ask u for dinner...dyam seems like i have to cancel that idea..wat would u think of me...if i asked?;oP wahahahaha well was off until i saw this..and hehe chance ma dance deko ni ;o)..its not always i can write short and smting...u know ;oP..hehe laters.... katti bhajeyko maanis haru hehe..take a chill pill ;oP danny
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Posted on 04-06-05 6:44
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Why you asking me grrrrrr.......you should know that better duhhhh. So you are trying to say you are ready to spend $5000 for a dinner well ofcourse including the flight! :p
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Posted on 04-06-05 6:51
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why am i askin u re?cos im sure that innovation bro wont tell me ;oP...and u seem to know wat is reality and of cos u will tell me hoina ;o)..dunno why i feel u will ;oP...and i really dunno ..would i ask if i knew?duh!;oP.. enuf of GRRR...ur teeth is pearly white..i noticed..long time back wahaha ;oP..and $5000 only?dyam hehe...im more than ready ;o)...but 1st let me start buyin the lotterly ticket and once i win the 1million dollars ...well...wat $5000....i spend..errr a bit more..but not that much..got other things to get too hoina ;oP...but hmmm let me see if i can find anyone to go to dinner with me ;o)... and chuup from here SUNIYO!!!GRR!!!!! have fun!!enjoy the sun!!!go!!!;oP cya!!(in dinner perhaps?;oP) danny
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Posted on 04-06-05 6:55
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American movies dont' reflect reality because they can't compete with Hindi and Nepali movies in depicting reality.