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Posted on 03-04-13 12:21
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This is my first post...although I've heard about this site for a while I never posted anything. I do not thinkk that I'm the only one that is struggling with alcohol. I started drinking when I turned 18 and after I turned 21 the frequency increased.. Now I', in my 30s with a family and my drinking has gotten from bad to worse. I always start by thinking that I'll have 1 or 2 drinks and call it a day, but I usually finish 8-12 drinks most of the time. I tried AA but it wasn't for me and I'm considering treatment but due to work and family obligations, I'm not able to take 6 weeks for the treatment. I'm going to try to do it on my own, and if it does not work then I'll have no choice and go see a doctor. I just needed a place to jot my thoughts.
Today is Day 1.
For guys that have been able to stay away from alcohol, what worked..
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Posted on 03-04-13 12:40
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When you are tempted to chug another shot, think of the sacrifices you have made to stay dry for this long. You are sober for a day already, now if you want to drink again, resist the urge by remembering how hard it was to stop yourself from drinking x number of days and how it will all go vain. Easier said than done, but other than actually checking the AA or doctor, all we can suggest is keep your will strong. Here's a challenge for you. Every single day (before bed) that you are sober, come to this post and post a new line saying "Today I am sober", for next 30 days. It will make a difference, trust me.
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Posted on 03-04-13 12:42
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If you drink so heavily, how did you go to work?. If you are a heavy drinker, going cold turkey could be dangerous. It is best to go for a detox program and they will give you valium and other medications to control the withdrawal.
I know people who have benifitted from such programs and are sober now. All the best.
Karnali Blues
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Posted on 03-04-13 12:43
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sober, i drink alcohol but not frequently, may be once in a week or two. I remember my father used to drink a lot due to the reason i never wanted to drink but after coming to the U.S. i have been drinking but like i said earlier not a lot.
Don't know much about the medication but all i have to say is a very best of luck and don't give up bro. We all know that it's not a good habit but still we do drink. I am sure it's not impossible to quit anything except for cigarrette which i am trying to do from long time. with that being said, as we both have the same story just the matter of substance is different. I don't know what in the earth will make me quit the cigarrette. Hopefully i will quit someday. Let's do something no your alcohol and my cigarrette bro or sis.
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Posted on 03-04-13 12:44
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This is what you can do to reduce he count:
- Engage in household activities for ex cooking
- Be close to the nature. Start hiking, get your hands dirty with gardening stuff etc
- Go to gym / walk.
- Get rid of beer/whisky/alcohol bottles from home.
- In worst case scenario - have a glass of red wine if you really want to drink. I know that sucks but you got to do what you got to do.
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Posted on 03-04-13 12:51
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Tell your primary care to put you on Antabuse medication. You won't be tempted to drink again.
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Posted on 03-04-13 12:52
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Thanks guys for the encouragement. Kiddo, I will do that for the next 30 days. Fredoom...I usually start at 4-5 and go to bed around 10. My work is really close from my home and I have a pretty good relationship with my boss and they all drink a lot when we go out.
My insurance covers for the medical treatment if I plan on going that route, but it is going to be hard to take 6 weeks off. I know a lot of Nepalese are going through the same thing and many have it even worse than I do. Hopefully we can support each other in this battle. I've gained significant weight and it is very hard to run too. I need to be healthy for myself, my family and enjoy and remember the things that happened with my family.
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Posted on 03-04-13 2:19
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Being on the same boat as you are, I can fully understand what one has to go through once you get hooked to it. I have been drinking for past 20 yrs, started really early and by the time I was in grade ten I used to finish a bottle of RUSLAN Vodka in one gulp. It continued after coming here and my friend used to be impressed by my tolerance to alcohol consuption. I always enjoyed drinking and it was great source of fun for me. Gone are the days of being able to have just more fun with more drinks. I start to make myself a complete ass after few drinks. I have to finish what ever is leftover and still craves for more. I go in a complete black out stage and can't remember a thing next morning. I get the worst hangover and can't get up from the bed all day. I take this hangover as a boon than curse because its saving me from drinking everyday. I would have lost my job long time ago if I wasn't scared of this hangover. Despite all this embarrassement , regret and difficulties my mind still thinks I can't have fun without drinking. This is the reason why I get back to drinking everytime I try to remain sober. Tried everything possible to remain sober and can do it easily for a month or two. I need to be able to make my mind understand that one can have fun or relax without drinking. येति गर्न सके चै केहि होला हैन भने चै यो बोत्तले ले तेसै छाड्ला जस्तो छैन !
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Posted on 03-04-13 2:31
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Lol its funny that I have Heineken in my left while reading this thread from left hand in my android its not easy only way to quit is by decreasing amount of alcohol or whatever u want to quit
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Posted on 03-05-13 8:21
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Sober...waiting for your post for today.
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Posted on 03-05-13 8:26
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What's your daily routine like? Not just in terms of alcohol consumption but your lifestyle as a whole.
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Posted on 03-05-13 8:26
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You seem to be on the right track. You have yourself named sober, that's a positive step. Do things that will psychologically affect you to avoid alcohol. Look at alcohol as a bad thing, hate it and think its bittery taste is a bad taste for you.
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Posted on 03-06-13 8:37
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Sorry Kiddo...missed it. Day 1 was okay and got through most of the Day 2, but had few beers. The good thing was that I drank 4 beers in 2 hrs, but the bad thing is that I still drank. There is no hangover but just the guilt. Will start Day 1 again.
Most of the time my daily lifestyle is revolved around work and kids. Work during the day, take the kids to ballet, gymnastics and swimming in the evening and after all that relax with a drink(s). I have been reading a lot about living a balanced lifestyle so it seems that I need to start exercising regularly. I have done that in the past but still didn't stop drinking. So from now on, I intend to start some form of exercise for an hour a day. The very thought of not drinking ever scares me though because I actually enjoy it. In order to make this manageable, I will not drink during the week and only 1 day on weekend. For every drink that I drink, I'll have a glass of water before starting the second one and no more than 1 drink in 30 mins.
Let's see how that goes.
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Posted on 03-06-13 9:18
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just stop drinking and forget about pros and cons. Forget about why you can't and focus on feeling good while you quite. Keep focusing on how good you feel. If you can't feel good while you quit, try something that won't make you not feel good. You MUST NOT feel bad quitting while you have quit. You must be true to yourself and do it for yourself. Give more respect to yourself. Bruce Lee said somewhere that failure or giving up is a state of mind. Until you throw the white towel or until you surrender, you didn't fail! There is no magic word to cure yourself out of this. Just focus!
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Posted on 03-06-13 9:44
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Been there and done that. I understand your situation, thanks for opening up. This is how I did. Stop hanging around with drunkers. I decided to focus on my hobby. I picked up a guitar and a camera, and it has been an amazing journey. I slowed down drinking by volume. I got so submerged in my hobby that drinks was becoming a pain. Then I started only weekends. I know it is hard. Don't just think reading and exercise will distract you. You have to follow the thing you are most passionate about. Music and photography was for me. I drink only during the weekends now, few beers. I'm pretty close to quit drinks once for all. I have better things to do that I enjoy more. Think that way, focus on the bigger picture. My 2 cents.
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Posted on 03-06-13 12:22
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Apart from being possibly dangerous and fatal, every unsuccessful cold turkey effort also reinforces a negative component of your behaviour, ie giving up on an effort.
When you seek professional help later, this behavioural component will work againsts you. It is better to taper off.....try to cut down even a little bit on a day to day basis. And seek medical help soon when you have the time.
I am not trying to discourage you. But the worst thing you could do right now is making giving up a habit.
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Posted on 03-07-13 11:56
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किन हो साथीहरु यो थ्रेड मा पोस्ट गर्न लजाउनु भएको?
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Posted on 03-07-13 12:40
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drinking is bad not not too bad, drinking to -socialize is good
i never drank noteven a single beer for 5 years in usa which was really bad.
drinking once a week is highly beneficial for heart
but u shouldnt drink to cope stress,ppl take diff views
but dont drink just to drink
TGIF tomorrow, time to booze. :)