Posted by: magorkhe1 January 27, 2017
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Trumps best media man is Sean Hannity because he gives exact word that is loved by Trump or he is the policy maker of Republican party ( forget about Rush Limbo). You will be listening all the truth nothing but the truth.
And what ever it comes from Sean's mouth most of them will be "Alternative facts".

I came with this thought: Once the deportation starts with criminals and then illegals (like you, me and others). Then there will be no need of affordable care act aka OBAMA care because all uninsured 11 millions immigrants will be out of country. The rest 12-13 uninsured red-rednecks will start replacing the job vacant by deported Latinos and illegal immigrants. As President TRUMP promised to be the greatest job creator, there will be enough job on each town and county. Once they are on workforce, they will be insured by their employer. May be there will be about 2-3 millions uninsured population which is insignificant number and can be ignored. Very simple solution now I am with you MR. President. I agreed on this point : fucking left-wings morons , you do not now how to simplify things. WE ARE IN GREAT AMERICA again, if you do not agree with this new plan then you are the new " DEPLORABLE"

You women : your duty is to please your man or boyfriend: God has given us this right to grab and use as we want with your body parts.  We are with you on this matter (Islam). And Mr. Trump you did a great job eliminating "VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN" because we got real nice son-in-laws.

Last edited: 27-Jan-17 09:40 AM
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