Posted by: ne0 February 2, 2016
Vote for Hillary for President not Bernie 2016
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In a democracy like the US, it is very normal to have different perspectives and to stand on different sides of the issue, and I appreciate your perspectives. 

If Bernie did not have the perspective that makes sense to a lot of people, his support would not grow from 0 to 50% in nine months, so the 50% must have a different perspective too! 

Campaign finance is a important aspect of the current US democracy whereby rich companies can spend billions of $$ to support their candidates and to run negative campaigns on candidates they do not support. This takes away the people's power to choose the candidate of their choice fairly. Bernie's all for grassroot donations by people only because that is the only way to ensure a government by the people and for the people. There may be unions who are supporting Bernie and running ads of their own accord but that is not what Bernie wants. He wants to end all funding that is not provided by the people.

I don't want to go over too much regarding Government that becomes more and more fascist by curtailing citizen's rights and gives themselves the blanket right to increasingly become a police state which the billionaires prefer because their apparent goal is to have a country full of drones and slaves who will increase their profit line and who are under control of the government which they have full sway over. Which is exactly the reason why Snowden had to leave the US to let US citizens know that their privacy rights have been taken away by the government. Although he did a big favor letting Americans know what the government is doing, the all powerful government with blanket patriot act rights calls him a traitor while he sacrificed his comfort to let everyone know the truth. 

War is good if US is being attacked. After invading Iraq with a false pretext of weapons of mass destruction, over 500,000 people have been killed in Iraq alone. Similarly the current governments have favored perpetual wars to please their campaign financers because wars mean big $$$. Even the constitution does not grant a right to attack another country unless US faces imminent threat of attack, but you know that these politicians are in the pocket of billionaires who need to perpetuate wars to increase their profits. They probably have enough money to live without any worry like kings for centuries but their greed is never ending.

Current government along with the other candidates favor prison for profit being run by corporations who again have their favors returned for campaign financing. US spends much more to incarcerate people than to educate people due to the apparent conflict of interest. A person caught with a marijuana joint has spent over 20 years in prison compared to fat billionaires who have run the banking industry amok and destroyed the lives and lifelong savings of millions of people. And what does the government do? They give them trillions of $$$ to fix their banks.

Carbon tax is essential to stop destroying the planet and the ecosystem where we live in. Current government have looked the other way again because of campaign finance.

So you see, there are always different ways of looking at things. One way is a robotic way of following the herd trying the maintain the status quo. Obey the government and never question them no matter how much money they get from billionaires to advance their cause. Ignore the stark irregularities of perpetual wars and perpetual decline of the middle class while the $$$ always siphons up to the banks and the billionaires. 

The other way is to become more human and realize what is wrong with the system. 

Who you are is dependent on your own prejudices and values.

One of the things that is wrong with the current way of thinking is people want to support someone who they think will win - instead of supporting someone who is right.
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