Posted by: Eutab4 January 11, 2013
Religion: What should it contribute?
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In my earlier threads, I discussed why people believe in god. Actually, if you research more on how the idea of religion came about, not everything has to do with some aristocrats trying control the herd. Much before Socrates, like Thaler, or much earlier in eastern side people had a sense of wonder...'how' 'why' ....A tiny seed has all the codes for a GIANT tree..(Let me tell you..I know it's genes..and I also know a few weeks ago news came out that now we are able to study genes of new borns to tell what exactly they will be like growing much so that whether or not the baby will have Alzheimer's in his/her 70s...I know). But how about gene? Just like the question 'What before the Big Bang?" Don't you think we should be asking "Where does the gene come from?" Where does it end, my friends? Where does it end?

Here is what I remember hearing a Sanskrit slok (sorry, couldn't recall a few words). 

एको: देवो केशवो वा शिवो वा:
एको: वास: पत्तने वा वने वा:
एको: नारी सुन्दरी वा दरी वा:
एको: मित्रो (Rich ) वा (poor ) वा:

अर्थात, (कम से कम)
एउटा भगवान मान चाहे केशव (कृष्ण) चाहे शिव, एउटा घर बनाउ चाहे महल होस् चाहे झुप्रो (बनमा), एउटा स्वास्नी ल्याउ चाहे सुन्दरी होस् चाहे कुरुप नै किन नहोस, एउटा साथी बनाउ चाहे धनी होस् चाहे गरीब.

Kinda funny the way it's writtend...but makes you wonder if these people can now be called naive unsophisticated fools. I just don't know.

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