Posted by: shirish January 1, 2007
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I read the report again and it does contrast with its title and content.
The title reads: अमेरिकामा बस्ने नेपालीहरुको एउटै स्वर
मतदान गर्ने अधिकारबाट बञ्चित गरिनुहुन्न
(as if it is a representative voice of all the Nepalese in US)
But the content says:हालै सरकारले गरेको मतदाता नियमावलीका सम्बन्धमा अमेरिकामा बस्ने केही नेपाली बुद्धिजीवीहरु के भन्छन् त ?
(But no! the contents is about the what "some" of the Nepali intellectuals who reside in US said.)
I felt the reporter is a novice or inexperienced journalist who did not even respected the intellectuals. And as the report does not sound credible or well edited (the editors must have pasted what was sent), you should just ignore the report.