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Posted on 01-01-07 7:31
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नेपाली पोस्ट वेबसाइटमा "अमेरिकामा वस्ने नेपालीहरुको एउटै स्वर.." भन्ने शीर्षकमा छापिएको वृतान्त हेरे। त्यँहा अमरिकामा वस्ने नेपालीहरु भनेर नेपालमा मतदान अधिकार नेपाल वाहिर वस्ने नेपाली नागरिकहरुलाई दिईनुपर्ने जोड दिएका रहेछन। कुरा सठीक लाग्यो। तर सँधै झै खस्कने कुरा के भने नेपालीहरुको एउटै स्वर भनेर केवल दुई वा तीन जातिलाई मात्र मत लिनमा समेटिएको रहेछ। के अमेरिकामा वाहुन छेत्री र नेवार वाहेक अरु जात छैनन? अरु जातको मत नलिई सबै नेपालीहरुको एउटै स्वर हो भन्नु पँचायत हावापानी र मलजलमा हुरकेका व्यवहारको प्रदर्शन र पुर्वाग्रह वाहेक अरु के हुनसक्छ र? हार्डडिस्क वा मेनफ्रेममा पुस्तौ देखि अरु जात लाई गणना नगर्ने वानी परेकाहरुलाई के भन्ने? व्याकएण्ड र फ्रन्टएण्डमा छुटटा छुटटै लगावट र देखावट गर्ने पुर्खौली प्रवृत्ति अमरिका जस्तो ठाममा वसेर पनि पालिराखेका रहेछन। नेपालमा दुईतीन जातका अलावा गुरुगँ, तामागँ, मगर, थारु, राई, शेर्पा, ईत्यादि पनि छन भन्ने हेक्का राखम है। "हाम्रो नेपाल" "हाम्रो नेपाल" भनेर उफ्रिएर मात्र भएन, यसलाई साँचो अर्थमा सबै नेपालीको नेपाल वनाऊने हो भने यी दुईचार जात वाहेक अन्य जात पनि छन भन्ने मुखले मात्र होइन, व्यवहारमा पनि नविर्सम। समावेशीपनको हल्ला मात्र होइन, व्यवहारमा पनि ल्याउन परो। त्यसैमा सवै नेपाली र नयाँ नेपालको हित छ।
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Posted on 01-01-07 10:35
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You are absolutely right.These so-called representatives of Nepal always underestimate the voices of other people in Nepal,and never appreciate/respect the views of other caste of Nepal,rather they deliberately disrespect and overlook them.This is a fact.And,the most ridiculous fact is that they show this character very prominently even in USA.It seems they never change,no matter how modern and civilized they are (claim themselves !) As far as the academics and scholars are concerned, many of who have already done Ph.Ds. and persuing higher degrees in US are not only from those three catagories,but also from others(eg. from JANAJATIS background....).So biased views are evident.
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Posted on 01-01-07 10:52
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Mirmiray, You are right. Eventhough i am not janjati , i am totally agree with your comment "Nepali Post: Biased view". The writer should have done more homework. He has interviewed his friends surrounnding him only, it does not represent the view of other Nepaleese living here in U.S.A.
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Posted on 01-01-07 12:40
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mirmirey, You are right in some way but let me try to put my individual perspective. 1. Most of the Nepalese living in the US are living for themselves and very few care about Nepal. May be, the people mentioned are the ones who are working for the "cause" and if it is so, they deserve all the credit. After all, मह काढ्नेले हात चाट्छ ! 2. If there are other people also working for the same cause and were not mentioned then it is a biased report and unfair to them. I would like you to submit some proofs of contributions in this matter by others to prove that this report was a biased one. 3. It may be true, as suggested, that only the people around the reporter are mentioned without representing the whole sentiment of the people. It may be also true that some of the names were mentioned for the sake of mentioning and is an example of a type of Journalism i.e. to hype or even express चाकडी. What so ever, I think, others need to come forward and prove their substantial deeds. Complaining alone will not do any good. 4. What ever they are doing, is good for the Nepalese out of Nepal so we should support them. Personally, I have not contributed much to Nepal and its recent developments so I do not claim the rights. But if it materializes (which I doubt at this momment), I will definitely reap fruit.
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Posted on 01-01-07 12:59
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mirmirey I read the report again and it does contrast with its title and content. The title reads: अमेरिकामा बस्ने नेपालीहरुको एउटै स्वर मतदान गर्ने अधिकारबाट बञ्चित गरिनुहुन्न (as if it is a representative voice of all the Nepalese in US) But the content says:हालै सरकारले गरेको मतदाता नियमावलीका सम्बन्धमा अमेरिकामा बस्ने केही नेपाली बुद्धिजीवीहरु के भन्छन् त ? (But no! the contents is about the what "some" of the Nepali intellectuals who reside in US said.) I felt the reporter is a novice or inexperienced journalist who did not even respected the intellectuals. And as the report does not sound credible or well edited (the editors must have pasted what was sent), you should just ignore the report.
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Posted on 01-01-07 2:33
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That is why only name of filthy Nepali Democracy failed so many times in history of Nepal. In Nepal, There is deep down root problem in Racism, Un-equality and imbalance of political as well as authority power of Nepali government. All Nepalese people do not have equal civil rights and opportunity in participation in Nepali politics as well as government employments.
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Posted on 01-01-07 3:31
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Nitu I personally know some of the people mentioned and they are genuinely interested for welffare of Nepal. I guess, the govt. will have no problem giving voting rights to Nepalese residing in US, but will have hard time managing in India.
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Posted on 01-01-07 5:37
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^0 lakhs indian are inside Nepal already.. they will be voting... but NRN would not be allowed. If India says so, that's what you gonna get.. go and protest to India... not nepaelse netas... nepalese netas are already puppets of India... so they will pass only the bills as directed by India. India is also suggesting Nepal to use Electronic voting system in Nepal... That way it will be so easy to rig the voting...