Posted by: junkienepali August 1, 2005
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Criminalization of marijuana is a racist act.......Probably thats the way some ppl look at it but i dont buy that and i'm not elucidated to fight for the legalization of herb because of the analogy of THC and melanin..........but i think it should be legalized because its usefulness far outweighes its disadvantages..........there should be a balance for the balance of the nature.....people started killing lions and tigers because they were a threat to human they're one of the endangered species and killing them is a crime......moreover marijuana doesnt kill people......we should respect it as we respect all the other nature's creations. if cigarettes and alcohol could be legalized then therez no reason why herb should not be.
"marijuana is a gateway to other drugs" what kind of stupid reason is injustice, unemployment, stress and depression is the gateway to drugs not marijuana......marijuana saves ppl from depression........
rebel with a cause
peace out