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 Legalize Pot: Canadian Experience

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Posted on 07-30-05 8:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its a really good read, if you have time. Criminalization of pot is a racist act.

- http://www.marijuanaparty.com/article.php3?id_article=201
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Posted on 07-31-05 3:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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!!!!Legalize Marijuana!!!!...Bum bhole..... !!!

Posted on 07-31-05 9:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you yourself are not under the influence of recreational pot, which is also a good thing at times, engineers are expected of a higher degree of rational thinking which is another good thing. But the picture here is more supportive of the racial discrimination against POT.

Anyway, keep rolling...
Posted on 08-01-05 1:12 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi Shree5,

that was just my buddy with whom I had pot during shiva ratri @ pasupati nath last year...

BTW what do you mean by racial discrimination against pot? Why are you blaming me for that? I am supporter of pot legalization, they are far better than alcohal....
Posted on 08-01-05 2:32 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Recent medical science have confirmed the antioxidant role of cannabidiol one of the active compound in canabis to be capable of reversing binge ethanol-induced neurotoxicity (Hamelink et al., 2005, JPET, 314 (2): 780-788).
Now now, does that mean a joint after a early morning pub hopping on weekends helps in addition to the enhanced sleep till late noon or evening.
Role of morning sex or as a matter of fact sex after heavy partying on neuroprotection against alcohol induced neurotoxicity; have potentiality for deep investigation. Now the dope story, my interest area is getting wider and interesting. Any one from Sajha working on canabis research, at the moment I am working on cannabidiol on testosterone production, will let you guys know once I have the preliminary finding.
Posted on 08-01-05 12:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Glad to know that you have a fair view of worldly things. I appreciate that. Lets keep rolling...

The racial discrimination means mainly two things:
1. Not all the variants of POT have high high concentrations of THC. This THC thing evolved into some variants of the plant as a natural answer to the UV-rays. I mean, in their effort to counteract the high concentrations of UV-light, some plants inherently came out to have more concentrations of THC. It is an isomeric configuration of C, H, and O atoms. It is analogous to why we human beings have skin color. The substance causing skin color in we humans in called something like melanin which has the same role and history in ourselves as does THC in pot. So, when you ban pot in grounds of THC, it is like banning ppl in terms of skin color. When they say "gaanja" is bad, its just like saying no black or brown skin or black hair is allowed. It, therefore, is a racism.

2. If you see the article by our leader above, there are so many citations from the history how it was utilized as a tool to act for racism. It came out as a tool to supress ethnic Chinese in Canada and ethnic blacks in USA. In USA, they dont allow inmates to vote even now, and it is the blacks who are mostly jailed for reasons of drug use.

If I am still not able to clear you, I recommend you going thro the article once more.

Lets roll...
Posted on 08-01-05 1:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shree 5, thanx for reply to my query, sounds like interesting stuff...

Posted on 08-01-05 1:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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[Please consider the following phrases as opinions meant solely for scientific studies and discourses]

while it may be true that recreational marijuana might make sex more enjoyable, any deliberate scientific study has not been documented so far. Maybe our party members who had had a hands-on should be able to provide some opinion though. I will sincerely work for you on this subject as far as practically possible. However, from a perspective of spiritual philosophy and based on popularly heard opinions, recreational pot might be able to launch one to the same or better state of ecstasy more often than a sexual act would do. Furthermore, I do not have personal account of any such experience.

As our leader recalled, once a group of scientist wanted to study the positive effects of the POT and they were denied funds a number times (9 times, if I recall properly). Then a memeber-scientiest, who also was an occassional enthusiast of recreational POT, suggested, "May be we should ask 'em to give us funds to study the BAD effects of POT", and know what, they were immediately flooded with dollars. FYI, the leader of our party himself is a prominent scientist. Anyway, this kind of political prejudice still exists. However, it is a good fact of matter that Canada is slowly, albeit hesistatingly, crawling towards the truth.

Frankestein, yeh, I knew most engineers are rationally-motivated folks, urs truly being one.
Posted on 08-01-05 1:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lets keep rolling...
Posted on 08-01-05 2:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Criminalization of marijuana is a racist act.......Probably thats the way some ppl look at it but i dont buy that and i'm not elucidated to fight for the legalization of herb because of the analogy of THC and melanin..........but i think it should be legalized because its usefulness far outweighes its disadvantages..........there should be a balance for everything.......like the balance of the nature.....people started killing lions and tigers because they were a threat to human beings...now they're one of the endangered species and killing them is a crime......moreover marijuana doesnt kill people......we should respect it as we respect all the other nature's creations. if cigarettes and alcohol could be legalized then therez no reason why herb should not be.
"marijuana is a gateway to other drugs" what kind of stupid reason is that.....social injustice, unemployment, stress and depression is the gateway to drugs not marijuana......marijuana saves ppl from depression........

rebel with a cause

peace out
Posted on 08-01-05 2:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Exactly junkie,
they say the problem is in the drug and not in the percept and perception of folks. They have been doing this since ages to rule the sojha-sajha ppl. There are a lot of wild plants that are way more dangerous than this poor THC-high pot.

The point is, if allowed its right to exist, POT plant alone can solve almost all the problems of the poorer world like food, clothing, fuel, environmetal etc etc.

Lets keep rolling...
Posted on 08-01-05 10:44 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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From an American Drug Testing company (statistics tell the facts)
- http://www.ohsinc.com/Positivity%20Rate%20in%20US%20for%20Marijuana%20THC.gif

Posted on 08-01-05 11:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Regarding cigarettes, alcohol and recreational POT, the main factor is NOT INTOXICATING EFFECT, but rather it is the effect of hegemonial corporate politics. To make a cigarette or bring alcohol in a bottle, they can set up factories and productional facilities, in long and short of it, they can make money. However, enthusiasts of recreational POT can virtually home-make their joint. Were there a manufacturing process in recreational POT too, it would have been perfectly legal with fine prints like "statutory warning: Inhaling pot smoke 'might' be detrimental to your health".

Lets get on to end this crooked racism and discrimation.

Lets keep rolling...
Posted on 08-02-05 6:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shree 5:

Are you doing some kind of PHD thesis in POT smoking and legalization? Looks like you have tons of information on it. I agree with some of the sentiments. I think this is the only way our country can become super rich in no time. Imagine all Nepalis growing POT and exporting and living lavishly. You do have great vision brother.........i think we ahould elect you our new POT leader and go from there.....How about that????

Or, maybe you could start teaching a new subject POT economy and i will file your nominations for the NObel prize.... .high time Nepali receiving a Nobel prize......what do you say....

GROW POT .................FOR BETTER AND HIGH LIFE....
Posted on 08-02-05 8:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Are you doing some kind of PHD thesis in POT smoking and legalization?
Posted on 08-02-05 9:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oh I forgot to mention:

Let's keep rolling

rather lets' keep rock and rolling baby
Posted on 08-02-05 4:48 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pushing a nobLE cause would gratify myself more than pulling a nobEL thing. Thanks for ur support, anyway, although your comments seem a bit of sarcastic. But you do believe in it, so thats fine. Because this concept looks so naively simple, many ppl cant just take it at the beginning, but to quote the one and the only Albert Einstein,
"Truth is always simple, simply the best!"

Lets roll...
Posted on 08-02-05 11:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Unlike Nepalese political parties, our parties has a DECENT method of staging protests.


In reaction to Amerika's recent attack on Canadian Soveriegnity through the raid on Marc Emery Seeds a HUGE Smokeout at the US Consulate in Vansterdam is being planned for September 10th. It is time to Smoke Out the USA and get the DEA out of Canada. Stay Tuned to Pot.TV for more details. Free marc Emery, Free Michelle Rainey, Free MarijuaMan, Free Renee Boje, Free Marijuana Prisoners Everywhere!

Details at: - http://pot.tv/archive/shows/pottvshowse-3889.html

And the POT TV

- http://pot.tv/
Posted on 08-03-05 4:36 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Maybe this will excite some of the बेरोजगार vandalist stupid "student" leaders of Nepal

The site is

- http://www.smokepotgetpaid.com

Lets keep rolling...

Posted on 08-03-05 4:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Wonder why the code for links gets defunct if you upload a picture after the link. Probably San knows, or probably not. May be it is his/her business or may be not.

Anyway, once more the link

- http://www.smokepotgetpaid.com/

Lets keep rolling...
Posted on 08-03-05 5:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Probably they should "outsource" this study business to Nepal, even the same dollar figures in NRs would "get the job done" .

Lets keep on rolling...

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