Posted by: shree5 August 1, 2005
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Glad to know that you have a fair view of worldly things. I appreciate that. Lets keep rolling...
The racial discrimination means mainly two things:
1. Not all the variants of POT have high high concentrations of THC. This THC thing evolved into some variants of the plant as a natural answer to the UV-rays. I mean, in their effort to counteract the high concentrations of UV-light, some plants inherently came out to have more concentrations of THC. It is an isomeric configuration of C, H, and O atoms. It is analogous to why we human beings have skin color. The substance causing skin color in we humans in called something like melanin which has the same role and history in ourselves as does THC in pot. So, when you ban pot in grounds of THC, it is like banning ppl in terms of skin color. When they say "gaanja" is bad, its just like saying no black or brown skin or black hair is allowed. It, therefore, is a racism.
2. If you see the article by our leader above, there are so many citations from the history how it was utilized as a tool to act for racism. It came out as a tool to supress ethnic Chinese in Canada and ethnic blacks in USA. In USA, they dont allow inmates to vote even now, and it is the blacks who are mostly jailed for reasons of drug use.
If I am still not able to clear you, I recommend you going thro the article once more.
Lets roll...