Posted by: MatrixRose July 31, 2005
Legalize Pot: Canadian Experience
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Shree, I get your point and also know that the reason marijuana is considered a gateway drug because it works on the same neural pathways as heroin. As a tolerance is developed for marijuana, SOME people turn to heroin to get the same effect. Read the book ("Marijuana: Harder than Thought", Ingrid Wickelgren, Science, June 1997) Legalize "SOME" Drugs. Regulate the heck out of them. Tax them. Don't pay for drugs with tax money. Don't pay for forced rehab with tax money. Don't pay for needles with tax money. If parents don't want their kids doing drugs, that is up them. Responsibility for their kids lies on their shoulders. If an adult wants to do drugs, the responsibility lies on their own shoulders. Good luck to them finding medical insurance.
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