Posted by: anjanp February 5, 2005
Thinking Impartially and sensibly
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Dear Newuser, I really appreciate and praise for your analytical thoughts on the political developments in Nepal. You seem to be the one who knows what the norms and values of democracy are. I respect your expression that anybody has the right to express their view without making any derogatory remarks on others. I would like to add to your comments some of the very crucial turning point in our political system. This is my view and limits to me only. However, I will try to put my level best ability to put the analysis as impartial as possible. Historically, from the day of foundation of Nepal, it has been observed time and again that politics in Nepal has always been influenced from external source. Whether it is during Shah regime or the era marked by Rana's till to this present date. However, I would like to point out to two historically significant events that occured before 2046. Remeber the Indo-Nepal treaty of 1951, which was undertaken by Nepal when it was internally divided and very weak. The agreement marks the kind of cunning behavior India has in its mind and in its heart rooted deep down. It is very clear that Nepal was rampantly looted under this agreement. Now, come to the event of 2033, when B.P.Koirala realizing this imperalist mindset of Indian leaders thought to give up the arm struggle and returned to Nepal with the message of "national unity". Out nation was once saved from the extending tenticles of the octopus called "India". Now, come back to the event of 2046, thanks to the great move by late king Birendra, who chose to support his own countrymen rather than being victim to the Indian demand to sign some hidden agendas in reciprocity of which was offered a commitment to paralyse and parish the democratic movement by Indian side. Thus, the whole point is India has tried to take benefit from us whenever we are internally disintegrated. The connection of this motive of India to the present move by king has following dynamics. Remember, this Gyane has assumed the role of the only hindu king in the world. The ceremony was marked by presence of president of Vishwa Hindu Mahasangh - Mr.Ashok Singhal. Not to forget that Mr. Singal and his company advocates strongly the issue of "Hindutwa" in India and this "Hindutwa" issue is also the founding basis of BJP and the Sangha Pariwar in India. Thus, there is no doubt that until this king complies to the demand of these Hindutwa badi groups in India, he will never loose support from them. And it is to be taken very clearly that this king without the sense of support from India would never had thought of raising such a move at such a juncture. Now, the another dynamics here is that how come the BJP group, which is no more in power, influence any decision going against the king? This vital question has another implication. Every country in the present era looks for its "self-interest" first. India is no exception for this. They have always done and they will do when time and condition permits. Remember, if u have ever heard of India's mega mega mega project called "River Interlinking Project". This project is thought to cost India in IRS.560,000.00 crore that is five hundred sixty thousand crore. Just try to put the total digit in calculater, either it will show error or it will go to the exponential function. This "River Linking Project" is aimed at diverting the natural course of 36 different rivers flowing from the "Himalayan Region" to the different part of India. India will benefit from this in terms of irrigating barren land in all its central and south western zone plus a huge supply of electric power is also targeted. This is India's mega target and it requires consent from Nepal to "divert" some big rivers flowing all the way from Nepal thru India down on to Bay of Bengal. Since the diversion of these perennial river will bring huge catastrophy in terai region of Nepal, India without consent from Nepal can not move ahead. For this, they require consent and agreement with Nepal. By the way, Nepal is not the only country to be affected if this project is implemented. Several other countires will also be badly affected, one of which is Bangladesh and it has already reacted very angrily against India's decision to move ahead. Well, I need to do more research to find more on this. Anyway, the whole point is India might be targeting some very difficult situation in Nepal so that they can plot and fix this agreement. Now, this king in order to get some support from India against this sucidal move might struck this deal with India, which will perhaps , god protects-not, wipe out terai region from the map of Nepal. For the reasons above, I am very wary listening to the comments from Indian side against the move of King and feel like it is kind of deception. This external dynamism in politics of Nepal has always been very costly for us. However, I agree that any nation at this point of time if supports the democratic movement in Nepal should be looked on for some type of pressure on this king. I look forward to your comment on this view.
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