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Posted on 03-16-21 4:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I had to bring some some money (hundi) to the US recently and the whole incident gave me a new awareness. I found people who are ready to give me thousands of dollars in cash. Someone was willing to leave $50K in cash with me first as long as I promise that I deposit money in his (or his accomplice's account) in Nepal. I don't know this person at all. I am convinced that it is not hard-earned money. I just wonder what do people do to accumulate this kind of cash.
Posted on 03-16-21 5:11 PM     [Snapshot: 37]     Reply [Subscribe]
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पुस्तकमा भएको ग्यान र अरुको हातमा भएको सम्पति मा भर कहिलै नपर्नु |
Posted on 03-16-21 5:48 PM     [Snapshot: 54]     Reply [Subscribe]
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लोगन ब्रो, कुरा एकदम सहि हो। मलाई खाली मनमा लागेको कुरा के हो भने नेपालीहरुले पनि गैरकानुनी काम गरेर टन्नै cash जम्मा गर्न सकेको जस्तो छ। Snitch भन्ने चलचित्रको याद आउछ ।
Posted on 03-16-21 6:45 PM     [Snapshot: 77]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think it’s because of Bitcoin and stock market boom in 2020. I didn’t get so lucky personally but some of my friends did. They made $50k plus just because some stocks like Tesla and bitcoin went 10X or more last year.
Posted on 03-16-21 9:16 PM     [Snapshot: 144]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ musya, you have a genuine point here. It is strange to know that there are Nepalese who have lots of foreign currency, in one of the poorest countries in the world.
Posted on 03-16-21 9:18 PM     [Snapshot: 150]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Whole world knows Nepal is a beggar country full of corrupt अरब पतिज़ (aka billionaires)

Those who live in us, aus, can, euro think they are rich but in reality those who live in Nepal make lot more money (facts).
Posted on 03-16-21 11:02 PM     [Snapshot: 212]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's a little confusing with the way Musya described his/her thought. If I understood him/her correctly, he/she is wondering how does someone have US$ 50k in cash sitting around in the good old USA. Is that correct, Musya?

There is a spectrum of people in the kind of income, education, training, profession, or motivation when it comes to Nepalese residing in the US. Like any diaspora, you will find a Nepalese from working a menial job to professionals, from doctors to engineers,entrepreneurs to restauranteurs, etc.

YEARS AGO, may be somebody questioned his prerogative to be so outspoken or to be active as a community leader in our US diaspora, he posted the current value from one of his million dollar brokerage accounts on FB. I mentioned this to an immigrant coworker back then. That coworker did not make a big deal of it saying, "A lot more people have 1M+ liquid portfolio than you imagine". Some, that I personally know, live in houses worth close to a couple of millions. I hear that among some groups in the US, a would-be marital couple would drop $50k just for a wedding celebration - without flinching.

Even in Nepal especially in Kathmandu, there are people who run legitimate businesses such as ex-im, handicrafts, hotels, package tourism, big retails/wholesale businesses, etc. They too can afford the best of shiny object like some of us residing in OECD countries.
Posted on 03-16-21 11:08 PM     [Snapshot: 241]     Reply [Subscribe]
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50k is not nothing for many people believe it or not. Software engineers in bay area earns 350k per year minimum.
Posted on 03-16-21 11:08 PM     [Snapshot: 233]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@adhikari_bandhu ji, Logan दाजु and other friends did not understand op's question, it seems.
Musya wanted to bring money from Nepal to the US. And, people are will to give him/her money in US with just a promise (without occuring it) that musya' s relative will deposit the money in Nepal. His/her question is how come people so easily agree (in exchange for a PROMISE) to give musya a big sum of money, and WHERE do they get such big money?
My answer is : US is still the most attractive place to invest, and an easiest place to make tons of money as long as you work hard, and you are favored by luck. I don't know about the "easily agree- PROMISE" part above. Perhaps people want to avoid paying money transfer fee to send money to Nepal, and willing to take informal route.
Posted on 03-16-21 11:39 PM     [Snapshot: 260]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I did not see GeetMai.....bro/sis comment before I wrote mine. I agree with you.

10/15 years ago I used have lot of suspicion on people trying to bring hundreds of thousands of dollars (karodau nepali rupees) to US from Nepal. I still thing that was legit suspicion. Things like "is that घुस खाएको पैसा, is that कालोबजारी tax छली आदि आदि...." I think people still bring money from Nepal to US that were NOT EARNED, or INHERITED. But, these days it is not big deal for lots of people to bring big sum of money by just selling land and houses. Almost all of the district headquarters land price has appreciated so much that a plot of land measuring ५० feet by ७० feet easily  gets you १००k dollar.
Last edited: 16-Mar-21 11:42 PM


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