Buppy Shah
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 एक अमेरिकी युवकद्वार टेक्सास बस्ने नेपाली युवतीमाथी चरम यातना ( VIDEO)
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Posted on 09-17-17 10:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 09-17-17 12:40 PM     [Snapshot: 208]     Reply [Subscribe]
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To the lady being harrassed:
Even if the police is not helping you out - why don't you hire some professionals and beat the shit of that guy ? Crack his bone so bad that he won't be able to walk back again and stalk you again. That would be the best answer to this guy.
Posted on 09-17-17 6:42 PM     [Snapshot: 602]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why hasn't she applied for a restraining order?

Posted on 09-18-17 12:59 PM     [Snapshot: 1423]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepali girls easily falls for white guys. Not all white guys are white inside. Not all black guys are bad.
Sorry for whatever happened to you. Move out of texas, go to different state.
Posted on 09-18-17 2:22 PM     [Snapshot: 1536]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not sure why is she going thru all that hell. If he has been so abusive to her, get some evidence (text conversation, video, facebook posts) and report it to the police. Her safety and well-being should be the priority. Going to a Nepali phone call show wont dont squat at this point.

Posted on 09-18-17 6:13 PM     [Snapshot: 1780]     Reply [Subscribe]
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दुखः पाइस् मंगले आफ्नै ढंगले
Posted on 09-18-17 7:12 PM     [Snapshot: 1870]     Reply [Subscribe]
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why is the news guy pushing English our of his arse on every chance he gets? is he trying to be one of those Indian media ppl?
Posted on 09-18-17 8:35 PM     [Snapshot: 1993]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It not good to bully victim or say anything about her. But yea I have to agreee that Nepalese kid think it cool to have white boyfriend and their social status is higher . And yes they fall too easy , like a stupid just because one is white.

But any way I don't know what's going on with her, she could fairly easily get restrained order and vanish in US , if every thing she is saying is true. Regarding promo , no one can really do anything , if the guy really put it on internet , he might go to jail but content will be there almost for ever. But hey Kim ksrdisian video didn't do her any harm.
Posted on 09-23-17 5:58 AM     [Snapshot: 3269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अलिकति नियालेर हेर्दा यो खाते रबि लामिछानेको नियोजित बिज्ञापन जस्तो देखिन्छ | एक चोटी नेपाली प्रोग्राममा भेटेको थिए अति प्रितेंनसीअस लागेको थियो | पक्कै पनि आफ्नो शोको रेतिन्ग्स बढाउन रचेको नाटक हो | अमेरिका जस्तो ठाउमा पनि एस्तो परिस्थितिमा प्रहरीले केहि नगरेको भन्ने हुनै सक्दैन |

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