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Posted on 04-06-21 8:33
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COPY PASTED FROM FACEB00K This article, published by NIHs own journal in 2005, shows that Fauci knew for the last 15 years that chloroquine and its milder version hydroxychloroquine can both treat and prevent the spread of SARS-CoV.
This raises a few important questions:
- Why didn't Fauci, the head of the infectious disease arm of NIH, jump on this early in the pandemic when it would have saved countless lives? Instead he mocked trump for suggesting it. - Did you know that the Lancet, one of the top medical journals, had to retract their 2020 paper that discredited hydroxychloroquine because the data was fake? (They are also being called to retract their fake mask paper.) - Why is this cheap, widely available medication, with a long safety track record, that is over the counter in many countries, being suppressed? Is it because the Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental gene based vaccines would not have been possible if there were an effective medication? - Why are numerous well respected doctors like Dr Peter McCullough and researchers like Dr Tess Lawrie who have solid data showing the effectiveness of cheap, safe treatments being censored?
It appears that suppression of life saving medications is deliberate, and not just due to incompetence. How many lives could have been spared, how much societal disruption and terror could have been prevented, if Fauci/NIAID/NIH did their due diligence and served the American people instead of pharma?
Folks, this is crimes against humanity.
Original chloroquine paper: https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-422X-2-69
Retraction of fake hydroxychloroquine hit piece in the Lancet: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31324-6/fulltext
Dr McCullough senate testimony on 80% efficacy of hydroxychloroquineand ivermectin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAHi3lX3oGM
Dr Tess Lawrie on how journals will not publish her meta analysis that proves strong efficacy of ivermectin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQkoL2l3-gg
Calls for retraction of Lancet mask paper: https://metrics.stanford.edu/PNAS%20retraction%20request%20LoE%20061820
Last edited: 06-Apr-21 08:34 AM
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Posted on 04-06-21 10:15
AM [Snapshot: 61]
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Mild Alcohol consumption prevent gum diseases, treat sore throat, and heal most cold related sickness. Why doctor do not recommend? What they are hiding. NOT copied and pasted from Facebook. From my own personal experiences guided by the intelligence.
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Posted on 04-06-21 10:54
AM [Snapshot: 93]
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Silly mangale
Because the home remedy of alcohol is not published in virology journal with scientific studies by the National Institute of Health.
Last edited: 06-Apr-21 10:54 AM
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Posted on 04-06-21 11:00
AM [Snapshot: 102]
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I can pay virology journal to publish if I have million dollars.
Last edited: 06-Apr-21 11:00 AM
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Posted on 04-06-21 11:06
AM [Snapshot: 112]
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Haha silly mangale So you believe the studies published in virology journals that are against Chloroquinn when they are supported by Fauci, but you don't support the virology publication published by National Institute of Health which is chaired by Fauci? Haha the level of brainwashing is unreal.
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Posted on 04-06-21 11:16
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Likewise .... surprisingly you believe when it includes little bit of your quarter baked agenda and do not believe 99% other time ! Irony !! Lol
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Posted on 04-06-21 11:23
AM [Snapshot: 132]
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I am citing publication from NIH in 2005 in which they declare "that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection" This is apparently not quarter baked as Fauci' National Institute of Health published it after rigorous studies were carried out. Did you even check the link? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/ Seems clear that scientists had already discovered that chloroquine works against the sars covid infection in 2005. But in 2020, when Sars Covid actually got out in general public, Fauci wants to promote vaccines which is a multi billion dollar ongoing project that could profit billions every year, they want to shut down the chloroquine effectivity completely. Follow the money and you see what you are blindly supporting or you can follow the news by the same owners who benefit from the vaccines. I do not have time to convince brainwashed people who have lost the ability to think. Yes just keep letting the media do the thinking for you. RIP.
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Posted on 04-06-21 11:50
AM [Snapshot: 151]
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I will rather be brainwashed by the scientists than internet crackpots!
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Posted on 04-06-21 11:57
AM [Snapshot: 164]
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Haha National Institute of Health research is crackpot for you. LOL Happy brainwashing! Cheers
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Posted on 04-06-21 12:15
PM [Snapshot: 179]
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Yeah Likewise!! Happy Sheep becoming to the Facebook conspiracy theorists and their posts!!
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Posted on 04-06-21 2:05
PM [Snapshot: 202]
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Lol looks like silly mangale does not even know the definition of sheep. You are a sheep if you follow the herd, which means there are more sheep than non sheep. Following fauci and his vaccine profit is what the media preaches to make sheeps follow them. So congratulations on being a sheep. You should stick to immigration speculations.
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Posted on 04-06-21 2:40
PM [Snapshot: 232]
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Go ahead smarty P , you can still take hydrochloroquine if you want. Just tell doctor you have malaria and they will prescribe you.
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Posted on 04-06-21 2:50
PM [Snapshot: 240]
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Silly mangale don't ignore something just because the herd believes it so. Use your brains to ask pertinent questions. Thesedays most people just want to ignore something blindly just because it's not shared by main stream media. Don't let the media think for you. Granted some things are just cuckoo but not everything questioning the MSM is cuckoo. Valid questions. - Why didn't Fauci, the head of the infectious disease arm of NIH, jump on this early in the pandemic when it would have saved countless lives? Instead he mocked trump for suggesting it. - Did you know that the Lancet, one of the top medical journals, had to retract their 2020 paper that discredited hydroxychloroquine because the data was fake? (They are also being called to retract their fake mask paper.) - Why is this cheap, widely available medication, with a long safety track record, that is over the counter in many countries, being suppressed? Is it because the Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental gene based vaccines would not have been possible if there were an effective medication? - Why are numerous well respected doctors like Dr Peter McCullough and researchers like Dr Tess Lawrie who have solid data showing the effectiveness of cheap, safe treatments being censored?
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Posted on 04-06-21 5:11
PM [Snapshot: 288]
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- Why didn't Fauci, the head of the infectious disease arm of NIH, jump on this early in the pandemic when it would have saved countless lives? Instead he mocked trump for suggesting it. Oh now you believe this is PANDEMIC??? Damn!!! Thats a fukcin Breaking News!! Also, Why didn't Trump take Hydrochloroquine? Instead took expensive Remdesevir ? Why he took Fauci or Bill Gates backed vaccines quietly ?
Valid Q&A above. p.s. full credit to tRump for speedy vaccine production.
Last edited: 06-Apr-21 05:12 PM
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Posted on 04-06-21 6:39
PM [Snapshot: 332]
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Oh now you believe this is PANDEMIC??? Damn!!! Thats a fukcin Breaking News!! Like I said, you should stick to immigration speculations. Do you even know what plandemic means? Why you bring Trump into this. Let's leave the mental divide aside and focus on facts.
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Posted on 04-06-21 7:21
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Plandemic is when some disgruntled doctors or scientists who can't get to the Fauci position show their opposition though their manipulated or semi-manipulated data to prove the Fauci and others respected scientist wrong. They then find it hard to gain attractions in the real world and hire some digital army in the youtube/reddit/some sajha ;) to promote and express their own personal vendetta against these trusted scientists. Some smart arse folks who think that they think outside the box get into it and think they are smart enough to interpret each data and results to believe that in fact Fauci is deep state or Bill Gates want to depopulate the worlds in order to get to sleep with 14 virgins when he dies in 10-15 years after making 100 trillion dollars out of vaccines rollout. & that was my speculation .... my friend, I rest my case here. Let me get back to my TPS folks.
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Posted on 04-06-21 7:32
PM [Snapshot: 358]
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Sheeps will continue to blindly believe in government officials who support corporation profits. Sheeps will not believe if facts came to bite them in the ass. They need to be told by media because they cannot think for themselves. https://dailycaller.com/2021/04/05/scott-perry-anthony-fauci-niaid-wuhan-funding/ https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-backed-controversial-wuhan-lab-millions-us-dollars-risky-coronavirus-research-1500741 Turns out Fauci really wanted to create this strain of virus because he apparently wanted to created this mutant virus so that he could find a cure for this non existent mutation before it happened. He even sidestepped government channels to get the money over to Wuhan lab. Most likely it was the same virus that escaped out of the lab.
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Posted on 04-06-21 8:50
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Yupp, shit happens. It happened in Hiroshima-Nagasaki, Bhopal, Chernobyl etc. It even happened in my Chem lab too, dropped the beaker and cut in the leg, Sometimes it happens intentionally/unintentionally for good reasons and sometimes bad. You can learn and grow. Pandemic or you call it Plandemic we learn from it so do scientists. Talking about corporation profits, Apple make billions of dollars stealing your identity and putting chip in your pocket. Where's the outcry? Well we choose to let them right? Or we can choose to live in Shivapuri daada as a Baaba. Even Baaba is letting apple steal his fingerprint. These days he unlock his iphone received from his donor with his fingerprint.
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Posted on 04-07-21 8:47
AM [Snapshot: 554]
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Wow this is like a certified sheep response if I have heard any! So don't mind I took a screenshot.
Like a obedient sheep who depends on their masters to tell them what reality is, you believe in your master manipulators the media and their stooges without using any of your own brain cell. You think bhopal, chernobyl, hiroshima, and anything that happens to cause mass incarceration to be fine as long as your media masters tell you it's a done deal. You wait for your media masters to tell you what to be triggered about. I bet if someone says all lives matter you will scream and wince because it's supposed to be black lives matter only. Wait, even asian lives matter now after the attacks on asians.
Your excuse that corporations are supposed to make profit is classic example of ke bujhis mangale afnai dhangale. Of course corporations are supposed to make money but the issue is when government health officials collaborate with corporations to increase their profit at the expense of the public at large then that is a problem and anyone who can think for themselves should start asking questions. But of course being a sheep, you need the media to tell you what to be mad about. They haven't told you to be mad at them and their stooges apparently and they never will so any discussion with you is pointless. So do me a favor and stop responding here, this thread is not for sheeps.
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Posted on 04-07-21 9:50
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The real Sheep only share someone else propaganda here and try to present themselves as savior of the world. Copy and paste! That’s all! I am doing service to your propaganda by responding to it! You are welcome!