Posted by: p14nd3m1c April 6, 2021
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Silly mangale don't ignore something just because the herd believes it so. Use your brains to ask pertinent questions. Thesedays most people just want to ignore something blindly just because it's not shared by main stream media. Don't let the media think for you. Granted some things are just cuckoo but not everything questioning the MSM is cuckoo.
Valid questions.
- Why didn't Fauci, the head of the infectious disease arm of NIH, jump on this early in the pandemic when it would have saved countless lives? Instead he mocked trump for suggesting it.
- Did you know that the Lancet, one of the top medical journals, had to retract their 2020 paper that discredited hydroxychloroquine because the data was fake? (They are also being called to retract their fake mask paper.)
- Why is this cheap, widely available medication, with a long safety track record, that is over the counter in many countries, being suppressed? Is it because the Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental gene based vaccines would not have been possible if there were an effective medication?
- Why are numerous well respected doctors like Dr Peter McCullough and researchers like Dr Tess Lawrie who have solid data showing the effectiveness of cheap, safe treatments being censored?
Valid questions.
- Why didn't Fauci, the head of the infectious disease arm of NIH, jump on this early in the pandemic when it would have saved countless lives? Instead he mocked trump for suggesting it.
- Did you know that the Lancet, one of the top medical journals, had to retract their 2020 paper that discredited hydroxychloroquine because the data was fake? (They are also being called to retract their fake mask paper.)
- Why is this cheap, widely available medication, with a long safety track record, that is over the counter in many countries, being suppressed? Is it because the Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental gene based vaccines would not have been possible if there were an effective medication?
- Why are numerous well respected doctors like Dr Peter McCullough and researchers like Dr Tess Lawrie who have solid data showing the effectiveness of cheap, safe treatments being censored?