Posted by: p14nd3m1c April 7, 2021
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Wow this is like a certified sheep response if I have heard any! So don't mind I took a screenshot.
Like a obedient sheep who depends on their masters to tell them what reality is, you believe in your master manipulators the media and their stooges without using any of your own brain cell. You think bhopal, chernobyl, hiroshima, and anything that happens to cause mass incarceration to be fine as long as your media masters tell you it's a done deal. You wait for your media masters to tell you what to be triggered about. I bet if someone says all lives matter you will scream and wince because it's supposed to be black lives matter only. Wait, even asian lives matter now after the attacks on asians.
Your excuse that corporations are supposed to make profit is classic example of ke bujhis mangale afnai dhangale. Of course corporations are supposed to make money but the issue is when government health officials collaborate with corporations to increase their profit at the expense of the public at large then that is a problem and anyone who can think for themselves should start asking questions. But of course being a sheep, you need the media to tell you what to be mad about. They haven't told you to be mad at them and their stooges apparently and they never will so any discussion with you is pointless. So do me a favor and stop responding here, this thread is not for sheeps.