Posted by: Sajha Info July 9, 2017
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Thank you for bringing up a very important issue.
As with everything in life, we will encounter people - everywhere including sajha - who may not have the best intentions in mind. Please keep in mind that you will need to use discretion when dealing with people.
In order to ensure that there are valid listings which are accountable, we have started charging a small fee in order to list in the classifieds section. This will greatly reduce postings of questionable nature and ensure a more pleasing and positive experience for people seeking rooms, roommates and jobs.
Thank you for looking out for people and for helping spread the good word.
As with everything in life, we will encounter people - everywhere including sajha - who may not have the best intentions in mind. Please keep in mind that you will need to use discretion when dealing with people.
In order to ensure that there are valid listings which are accountable, we have started charging a small fee in order to list in the classifieds section. This will greatly reduce postings of questionable nature and ensure a more pleasing and positive experience for people seeking rooms, roommates and jobs.
Thank you for looking out for people and for helping spread the good word.