Posted by: Poonam Seeker Dahal June 8, 2017
Every Pedestrian is Important,Watch for each other
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"Every Pedestrian is Important,watch for each other"

Abstract More than 3400 people die everyday on the world's road and 10's of million of people are injured or disable every year .Most vulnerable and prone to road accidents are Pedestrians ,children ,cyclists and older people-(Source WHO).Road Traffic accidents are the outcome of factors associated with traffic system -Road users,vehicles and environment .

  Insight to Kathmandu Road Accident Despite having a good surface ,the Kathmandu-Bhaktapur road has high accident records.The traffic police record had showed that 1530 accidents have occurred from July 2009 to June 2012.This road is the first ever six lane road constructed in Nepal. Nepalese roads are one of the most dangerous in the world and chances of vehicle crashes are more than 100 times higher than in Japan and 10 times higher than in India.One person died in every accident in Nepal in the last year. According to the traffic police data ,more than 10,000 people have died because of road accident since 2006.This figure is more than people killed during people's war from 1996 to 2006 in Nepal.

  Aftermath of Accidents -Motor Vehicle and Transport Management Act of Nepal Compensation in event of accidents lies in various ranges depending on the state of injury whether survived or dead.As heard ,compensation for death is Rs. 10 lakh only.This amount would not in anyway be replace to the life ,dreams and emotions that suffers.What made me amazed as I was going through the compensation and punishment in case of death during road accident was captivating. Punishment for death has been classified generally into two divisions (i)If death is caused by the person in charge of vehicle (driver) knowingly with the intention to kill then ,the punishment is with a sentence of life imprisonment along with confiscation of his or her entire property. (ii)If death is not intentional and a result of careless and ruthless driving then the punishment is imprisonment from 2-10 years. The undigested punishment is the second one, if a person in charge of vehicle on a public road having a licence to drive is driving relentlessly as if Road is a adventurous ground to show his fast and furious driving skills IS THAT NOT REGARDED AS AN INTENTION TO NOT KILL.For a sensible person like me ,I would say Yes he/she intends to kill. 

  Every life is precious , 

Everyone of us have a fixed journey between life and death. Death is an unquestionable factor when happens due to uncontrollable means only and not otherwise.We live in a world of globalization now,where every thing is so connected yet departed .Access to one country to another or one place is to another is matter of certain hours now ,all because of our Developing Transportation.But should I really feel thankful here or feel terrible about the fact that a lot of lives are taken away by these Developing Infrastructure now. Recently yesterday here in Kathmandu a very depressing incident happen ,where a young and having lot of dreams girl of just 23 years old Ravina Chaudhary lost her life while she was crossing road through "ZEBRA CROSSING". She was a teacher at local school in Kathmandu and was making her way to job.She has just cleared her BBS 4 th year.For sure she had many dreams and was working on it and independent in terms of money as well.Family lost a daughter,COUNTRY LOST AN ASSET Wan't she following the rules ? Here I am not in anyway denying "Rules are to break and not to make" .Nor I am in the support of amendments in our Traffic rules that one who is not crossing through zebra crossing is liable to fine of Rs 200.But the question which I and a lot of general civilians would like to raise to our Government is that, first make the resources effective.By this I mean, there are only few visible zebra crossing left in Kathmandu which is visible to pedestrians.My very own incident yesterday ,I as a responsible citizen was looking for zebra crossing to make my through my road which leads to my home.It was a fine visible time of day.But to my amazement, where years before I knew there was fine zebra crossing I was not able to locate even at distance of approx 2 feet away and I was walking.That time I had one thing for sure straight in my mind that if I am not able to locate the sign from so near ,how can vehicles do ?? .It is very evident and clear that is not a case of destiny of her but the careless driving , though the signs may not be visible but of course a human is ,not a ROBOT but yes an alive individual , someones child,someone love and most of it a person having a dream to make possible. Isn't it ?

  Every Pedestrian is Important for someone ,watch for each other.
I made a goodbye to my mom .... With the hope to come back soon... 
With my aspirations and dream to fulfill
 I head to the jobs that had a call 
I was smiling and enjoying my way of journey I was ,]
 yes following all traffic pathway honey
 I was supposed to be at the opposite side of the road
 Where there was my dreams fulfilling board 
I saw the zebra crossing made my way, 
With the hope that vehicle know EVERY LIFE IS IMPORTANT FOR SOMEONE 
But no I was wrong ,I lost my consciousness,,, 
now my parents are crying making their way to the cremation. 

 RIP is just a formality ...lets unite and stop this . Lets make our earth to live a better place for 

 Poonam Dahal
Last edited: 08-Jun-17 01:04 AM
Last edited: 08-Jun-17 01:06 AM
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