Posted by: Chipre Mama February 26, 2017
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Let's say you lived in DC till 12/31/16 and moved to NY on 01/01/17. For FY 16, you will have to file DC as a full year resident for state. FY 17 you will file NY as a full year resident.
If you moved in middle of year 2016, then you will have to file partial resident for DC and partial resident for NY based on the number of days you lived in both states.
For federal part, it doesn't matter where do you live. And social and medicare are a standard 6.2 and 1.45% of you gross income on box 1 of your W-2 form. So you really don't have to worry about thay part. But for the federal tax withheld, you will either get a refund or owe tax, depending on your specific situation.
Last edited: 26-Feb-17 10:28 AM