Posted by: mercynova December 1, 2016
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well, as far as I know, its a one way road if you want to do things legally. Himalayan bank and Nabil bank were working on online payments system with certain limitations to the funds going outside of the country but the problem is NBL doesnt allow you to take a penny outside of Nepal without any reasons.
like cardinal mentioned, Ncell ko issue ni tyai bhayeko, they left cause they couldn't take their profit out of the country to their company.
there are illegal ways to get money out of the country, but ajkal tyo ni sajilo chaina...
even if you open up a dollar account, you can have the money saved in dollar currency but to use the card or that account outside of Nepal is not possible, withdraw Nepal mai garna parcha..
like cardinal mentioned, Ncell ko issue ni tyai bhayeko, they left cause they couldn't take their profit out of the country to their company.
there are illegal ways to get money out of the country, but ajkal tyo ni sajilo chaina...
even if you open up a dollar account, you can have the money saved in dollar currency but to use the card or that account outside of Nepal is not possible, withdraw Nepal mai garna parcha..