Posted by: paladin November 22, 2016
Amby Writes:- Kanchan Regmi....Victim or Delusional?
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1. This absolutely needs the first mention. The interviewer Mr. Suman Neupane, didn't do his homework at all. I think he thought “ I can do this interview and increase my TRP with all sympathy I can gather through social media and publicity.” Sorry but this whole stunt failed on him and I think he should resign after all this. 
- You watched it 3 times and you still got the above name wrong. He's a retired journalist from BBC. I would think that he didn't do it for gaining publicity. 

Kanchan in his interview shared her hardship on how she did her bachelors from Padma Kanya and later against her husband's wish, she enrolled herself for Nursing. Someone who claims she sold her gold chain to pay her tuition fees and took such bold decisions, couldnt survive later and was living in the trash for seven years? Someone with double Bachelor's degree( mind it that both of her colleges are in Kathmandu and not in some rural part of Nepal) couldnt find a simple job in Kathmandu? I have seen and met so many women who are victims of domestic violence,sexual abuse and so on, who are trying to make a living by working simple jobs. What is the other side of this woman Kanchan that we dont know??? 
-I would think someone boasting privileged life of Nepal on Sajha will not have easy time understanding the women struggling on the other side. 

This kind of negligence from media, big or small, narrows the possibility of people who actually are a victim of domestic violence. I think to a bit extend, Kantipur TV production department should be blamed for not taking such issues seriously and let anyone come on screen and give a hoax story for sympathy. 
- Kantipur is losing credibility in Nepal. Mysansar is reporting about Kantipur's lobbying to bring loadshedding back to Ktm. What is hoax? All of the story is not hoax. There're several gaps(/lies), and she may have more SHARE of the blame for what might have happened. But jeez, you want to blame her 100%, when her husband has said that he also might have committed mistakes. 

I've not watched Kanchan's interview. I watched her husband's interview. The interviewer didn't dare to show his face. This was very one-sided interview. Husband didn't give anything to Kanchan. It's interesting how men can get(buy) divorce from the most remote part of Nepal without providing any compensation to wife. Perhaps very one-sided decision? Kanchan's husband (Mohan) looks semi-god after watching the interview. On the other hand, Mohan is so desperate to prove his innocence that he brings his sex life to limelight. He said he proved his libido by having a son within 10-11 months of marriage with his second wife. He tried to explain male sexuality and erection (lol). He accused Kanchan for (sort of) forcing him to have sex with her. He mentioned Kanchan always need to have sex after their fighting (he didn't want it?). I think Kanchan can be blamed more. But there's something on her husband's part (though lesser than kanchan's part). Kanchan has a brother living in US. Her two sisters live in Kathmandu. Mohan sympathized with his mother-in-law, but Nepali Journalist hasn't cared to interview to her or other immediate family members to get another side of story.

I feel sorry for her sons.
Last edited: 22-Nov-16 06:25 PM
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