Posted by: vishontar November 11, 2004
32 laxans needed for a girl
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Main 32 Signs [ mahaapurisa 32] 1.supati.t.thapaado: feet with a level sole (the Buddha would have an even pace -- not like those who wear down their shoes unevenly -- such a sole would spread the weight of His body evenly) 2 he.t.thapaadatalesuu cakkani jaataani: 1,000 spoked wheel marks on soles (such marks would make the Buddha's hands and feet infinitely flexible -- unlike our hands and feet which can flex only in one or two directions because there are only two or three lines on our palms) 3. aayatapa.nhi: projecting heels-- the heels were not round in shape but more oval (spreads weight and gives extra leverage for strength to the foot) 4. diigha"ngulii: literally this means big fingers, but in fact it refers to the fingers & toes of the Buddha being of even length (makes the hands and feet very strong by comparison to our own for whom all our fingers and toes are of different lengths) 5. mudutalahatthapaado: hands & feet soft skinned (this is not to say that the Buddha was not strong. Normally we associate hunks of taut muscle with strength -- but also soft flesh can be full of muscles) 6. jaalahatthapaado: netlike lines on palms and soles (this is similar to no.2 -- it allows the feet and hands to be infinitely flexible -- it is not people of ancient times who had such a feature -- even Kuhn Yay Thongsuk Samdaengpan had such a feature on her hands which perhaps explains why she was so resiliant, even at a senior age when travelling to give teachings around the country) 7. ussa"nkhapaado: high raised ankles (this feature is similar to the way the legs of a horse are built -- it gives exceptional strength, leverage and agility to the leg) 8. nimigasadisaja"ngho: taught calf muscles like antelope (again this explains why the Buddha could be so strong -- because his legs were strong like those of an antelope -- rather than being flacid like those of a buffalo) 9.thitako va anonamanto: even standing without bending down, the Buddha could touch his knees (such proportions for a person are in fact the ideal -- not like Asians who have a long body but short legs or at the other extreme negros and caucasians who have a long body and long legs) 10.kosohitavatthguyho: sexual organs concealed by sheath (the advantage of this is not to risk bringing offence to anyone even when naked) 11. suva.n.nava.n.n.o: bright golden-coloured complexion (such golden skin has the advantage of being sensitive to the touch) 12. sukhumacchavii: skin so fine no dust can attach (this is unlike the rough skin of a reptile to which all manner of dirt attaches. In fact the Buddha managed to achieve what women and sportsmen still try to achieve, but without all the effort!) 13. ekekalomo: body hair separate with one hair per pore (not like some people who have whole tufts of hair coming from each pore). 14. uddhaggalomo: bluish body hair curls clockwise 15. brahmujugatto: upright stance like a god (such a stance gives an exceptional sense of balance and a firm stance) 16. sattussado: flesh undinted and convex in seven places (these seven places comprise: the back of the hands [2], the upper side of the feet [2], the shoulders [2] and the neck [1]) 17. siihapubba.d.dhakaayo: lion-like chest (such a chest allows strong breathing and better metabolism than a normal person) 18. piitantara.mso: flesh on back undinted (not like some people whose back looks like fishbones) 19. nigrodhaparima.n.dalo: equal distance hand-to-hand & head-to-toe (such a proportion allows one to sit comfortably for meditation, without one's legs sticking out) 20. samva.d.dakkhandho: neck rounded and smooth (the shape of the Buddha's neck was perfect like a tube or organ pipe and is the reason for the melodious voice he had) 21. rasaggasaggii: sensative taste-buds (allows one to pick up the nutrients from even the poorest of foods and is why the Buddha could survive for 49 days on seven lumps of rice after his enlightenment or during the time when he had to spend his rainy-season in a place where there was famine) 22. siihahanu: lion-like jaw (such a jaw is necessary to accommodate the 40 teeth of mark 23.) 23. cattaa.liisadanto: 40 teeth (most people have only 32 teeth and normally some are missing too. Such a set of forty teeth is permanent throughout life -- not like ours which change from milk teeth > adult teeth > false teeth!) 24. samadanto: evenly-spaced teeth 25.avira.ladanto: gapless teeth 26. sukkadanto: crystal canine teeth. Some people ask how when, as we sometimes find in the scriptures, the Buddha and Ananda are walking along, how Ananda could know that the Buddha has noticed something and is smiling about it. Normally, Ananda would walk directly behind the Buddha, but the reason he could know that the Buddha was smiling is because even just the parting of his lips, light would eminate from his canine teeth) 27. pahutajivho: large, long tongue (large enough to cover his whole face and long enough to lick ears -- contributes to melodious sound of the Buddha and accommodates exceptional tastebuds) 28. brahmassaro hiravikabhaa.nii: god-like voice (this is a particularly melodious sort of voice -- collective fruit of the shape of his neck, teeth and tongue -- not like a person who is having problems with their teeth) 29. abhiniilanetto: bluish-black eyes 30. gopamukho: eyes innocent like a calf 31. u.n.naa loma bhamukantare jaataa: white cotton-wool soft wisp of hair in centre of brow (Indians respect this very highly and if they don't have one will draw one in as a 'caste mark') 32. u.nahiissiiso: brow & face, especially the join between the two, are excellently smooth For more info. It is said these all thirty two qualities appears in the body when one fulfill all these 10 qualities. Danang, Silang, Niskraman, Pragya, Virya Cha Panchamag! Kshyanti, Satya, Madhistanang, Metta, Upechhya ti me Dasa!! Donation, Morality, renounciation, wisdom, right effort are five!! Tolerence, truth, strong determination, loving kindness, equanimity complete ten!! Very hard to fulfill these ten best qualities which are known as Parmis or Dasha! Vishontar
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