Posted by: kaji sahab July 21, 2016
Nepal, Where People pay First World Prices to buy Third World products
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Jerry bro

forget about customer service in Nepal. Even here in the US, Nepali restaurants and businesses operate like the nepali way. there is no customer service .

US ma pani "khaye kha nakhaye ghich" jasto chha. 1-2 ota nepali restaurant hunchha ani ki ta tyo business ma nai jana banda garnu paryo haina bhaney chup chap khanu paryo. nepali restaurants are run like BHATTI in the US.

parking ta thekka ma diyeko hunchha which is separate from the shops rented. also it is very hard to regulate the parking. anyone will come and park there so they have to charge some kind of fee. here in the US, land is abundant plus everyone has car and there are building codes, safety code that are strictly enforced so free parking is expected. but downtowns everywhere are ridiculous with their parking fees though!

dont be too polite in Nepal. Politeness works here in the US, not in Nepal. people will take your politeness as your weakness!
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