Posted by: GP November 3, 2004
Press Release from CPN Maoist
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Nepe sir, Thanks for your kind and very real descent reply. I liked that, really and no flattering. I got a chance to see my early posting on my observation on you. I feel so great that I am still consistent on my observation and standing. Even in that early posting, I have clearly identified that I am not royalist. Because I know my position very well, I am consistent with myself for last 25 years or more since I started carrying NC flag in my early or middle teen age life. I feel great indeed. (I love mapai, and I am capitalist country, Mapai is part of life here). well, it was so wonderful to read that first point to characterize you ("you seems to be brother of Maodai": I agree by birth you are not genetically brother of Maodai, and I am sure you will not mind to inherit Brotherhood with Maodai in political belief: I am drawing this line based on your continuous support on Maoists. There was no better guard to Maoist issues in this than you are. Morning shows the day (mostly correct, except few exceptions), my early observations are still correct. The difference lies in the real identity of Nepe sir at that time and now, and it does not matter who you are in real world to me, and you are Nepe sir in thats enough for me: because I don't think I will meeting characters in real world, except a very few: negligible. Therefore, these characters are important to me here in only and no where else. I might have tried to find in the past because I used to think that these characters are useful in real world outside cyberworld. Now, I feel them good only in Nepe sir, I like your Poems. I will love to read these again and again. I am not royalist, for your sake. But, I have not seen a reason to through King solely based on "What next to republic?" I do not believe yet based on the nepali political leadership's current status that this is need of time. As Kanak wrote that Nepali Political parties who sought for republic nepal, are just throwing stone to threaten King so that they can get political power and settle with King. Scenario looks like that even Maoists if offered PM and Singha Durbar will accept King and settle the matter. This looks to be solution to current political chaos in Nepal. I am sure it will be the safe landing to Maoists where a few thousand Maoist cadres will get share in RNA, and Nepe sir, you will be disappointed with Maoist leadership for the settle. Well, there will be a fraction of Maoists who will not like the settlement : safe landing and continue to fight in a small corner of jungles. I still don't see Maoists over-running Kathmandu like Khamer / PolPot supporters overraning Pnompenh sahar as illustrated in the movie Killing Field. ........... I hope to see your postings where you will be continuously stamping me "Royalist" ......... I can do nothing more than smiling in front my computer. Very Personal Regards. GP
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