Posted by: ne0 April 3, 2016
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Hillary Clinton Just Got Caught Telling an Outright Lie on Meet the Press


Hillary Clinton said young people need to “do their own research,” but in the very same breath uttered a outright lie.

In an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, Hillary Clinton touted herself as an environmental champion, saying “I have been working to try to move us away from fossil fuels for many years. When I was in the Senate, I introduced legislation to take away the subsidies, I voted against Dick Cheney’s energy bill in 2005.”

This sounds all well and good, except that Hillary voted FOR the Energy Policy Act of 2005 when she was a U.S. Senator for New York.

This so-called energy bill gave 2.8 billion dollars in tax breaks to fossil fuel production, 1.6 billion for “clean coal” facilities, and a whopping 4.3 billion to nuclear power.

The Washington Post reported that the bill was publicized “as a way to reduce dependence on foreign oil or moderate gasoline prices, (but) has been turned into a piñata of perks for energy industries.”

“Every industry gets their own little program,” said Myron Ebell of the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute at the time. “There’s pork in there for everybody.”

All told, over $85 billion worth of subsidies and tax breaks were doled out to big energy companies, while also exempting oil and gas companies from several clean water laws and streamlining the acquisition of drilling permits at a time when the Bush administration had already given a record number of permits in land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management.

“This bill will allow America’s most profitable companies to pollute our water supplies,” said David Alberswerth of the Wilderness Society. “They’re the kings of Capitol Hill.”

This isn’t the first time Clinton has been dishonest about this bill. At a campaign stop back in the 2008 primary, she demonized Barack Obama by saying he “voted yes for the 2005 energy bill, which provided billions in tax subsidies and giveaways to big oil,” while implying that she herself voted against it.

The only current Presidential candidate to vote NO for the Energy Policy Act of 2005? Bernie Sanders. In fact, Sanders later attempted to repeal the loophole created by the bill which exempts fracking fluids from the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Clinton’s deceptive remarks came in response to a question asking her to clarify how the Bernie campaign has lied about her record, following her outburst at an activist last week.

Ironically, the only person lying about Hillary Clinton’s record is Hillary Clinton herself.


Nathan Wellman is a Los Angeles-based journalist, author, and playwright. Follow him on Twitter: @LightningWOW

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Last edited: 03-Apr-16 07:53 PM
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