Posted by: nepalinepali February 18, 2016
अमेरिकामा इन्स्योरेन्सका नाममा यसरी ठगिन्छन नेपाली, नेपाली एजेन्टबाटै
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Consumer fraud dekhe so: ma jane complaint garne .... k jane, katti complaint garne, kehi hunna bhanyou bhane - This is the US of A --- Nepal hoina, consumer fraud alik thulai manincha. So, phone pick up garne, ftc ma call garne. Suruma cannot get to all the complaints bhanne huncha ... so: group banaune: jo jo lai thageko, wrong information diyera sell gareko -- enough mancheko signatures line(not sure kati jana chaincha) - Again, call garera information lina milcha. Group huda, lawyers haru rakhne, civil case file garne ... mahango huncha layo bhane: kati lawyers sanga first consultation free huncha, and jitne chances jasto huda katile case jitera paisa line huncha..... so tyo option pani cha ..... j hos alikati parishram garnu parne huncha (parishram that you did to make those lost $$)... and since most of there salespeople are working on 1099s, limilted liability banaye pani fraud bata bachnako lai, limited liabilityko manyata dinna courtle. Probono (sittaima) kaam garne lawyers pani hunchan.

Thagi garera, jhuto bolera becheko ho bhane:
1. Group banaune
3. Civil Case
4. Information gather garne manchelai sodhera --- there are a lot of qualified ppl who would be very unhappy to learn ki timilai thagi ra cha ---- kinaki most of them work/ed very hard to make an honest living, and honesty ma thagi tolerated garinna.

Arko kura, sabai thag chainan hola --- katile help garna pani gareko hola .... tara, help garna gareko ho bhandaima wrong information diyera sell gareko huda teslai help gareko maninna. Working professionallai sodha .. Help garne haru afulai qualified banauchan. Tei bhayera kati manche 1000s of dollar ko rin liyera sikchya lincha, harek barsha Continuing Professional Education linchan, and yedi afulai audaina bhane, research garchan ki I am not qualified bhanchan.

1. why did you buy these products?
2. yo thagiyo kina bhaneko? …… do not have time to watch the hour long video :|

Chorharu! — if thageko ho bhane.
Last edited: 18-Feb-16 08:56 PM
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