Posted by: aisha October 26, 2004
Lady's Zone
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"I am an activist dear! U are judging me by the way I dress aren't u? I think u better get to know a person better before u pass your judgement." Congratulations...u're an activist...a big woopdeeedooooo..... "white meant people who live in USA.....that includes, hispanics, blacks, and asians" ^i think nepalese are asians aren't they?so are they whte? so if i was born and raised here then does that mean i'm white? no i'm not judging u by the way u dress dummy...i'm not judging anything or anyone...i jus didn't agree with what u had to say about...white ppl...u basically made it sound that everyone else is inferior to the white folk...putting them up on a pedestal and what not...for all the goddam wrong reasons....that irks had such baseless arguments in your posts about politics and everything else and u still do....sorry sweetie but it jus seems like u're trying way too hard.. i'm jus saying why put "white" womenon a pedestal....we nepaliese wome can hold our ownn too... and how can u assume that i don't wear western clothes hun.....isn't that passing a judgement?....jus coz i can defend myself wearing a sari doesn't mean i'mm a wear it to catch the red line to metro center..... sitara....i second that notion......
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