Posted by: From Kiwiland October 26, 2004
Lets Review "Hinduism"
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Neither am I a muslim scumbag nor I am trying to create what they call "danga fasad" in the name of religion here in sajha.... I am just pointing out some stupid and funny little beliefs of our "karadau saal" old hindu religion ... Read this... this is ridiculous! hehehe HINDUISM'S RITUALS, PREGNANCY & BIRTH CONTROL METHODS "If one discharges semen, whether it is a little or a lot, in sleep or while awake, one should touch it and also address it with this formula: 'I retrieve this semen that fell on earth today; into water or plants though it may have seeped. May I regain my virility, my ardour, my passion; let the fire and the fire-mounds each return to its place.' As he recites this heshould take the semen with his thumb and ring finger and rub it between his breasts or brows. If, moreover, he sees his reflection in water, let him address it thus: 'May vigour, virility, fame, wealth, and merit remain in me!' Surely a woman who has changed her clothes at the end of her menstrual period is the most auspicious of women. When she has changed her clothes at the end of her menstrual period, therefore, one should approach that splendid w man and invite her to have sex. Should she refuse to consent, he should bribe her. If she still refuses, he should beat her with a stick or with his fists and overpower her, saying: 'I take away the splendour from you with my virility and splendour.' And she is sure to become bereft ofsplendour. If, on the other hand, she accedes to his wish, he should say: 'I confer splendour on you with my virility and splendour.' And then they are both sure to become full of splendour. If he wants her to love him, he should slip his penis into her, press his mouth against hers, and stroke her vagina as he softly recites: 'From my body you spring -- from every inch! Born from my heart, you are my body's pith! Make her crazy about me, as if she's been hit with a dart carrying a poisoned tip.' If he does not want her to become pregnant, he should slip his penis into her, press his mouth against hers, blow into her mouth and suck back the breath, as he says: 'I take back the semen from you with my virility and semen.' And she is sure to become bereft of semen. If, on the other hand, he wants her to become pregnant, he should slip his penis into her, press his mouth against hers, suck in the breath first, and then blow it back into her mouth, as he says:'I deposit the semen in you with my virility and semen.' And she is sure to become pregnant. In case someone's wife has a lover whom he hates, this is what he should do. He should place some fire in an unbaked pot, spread out a bed of reeds, arranging them in a way that is the reverse of the normal, apply ghee to the tips of those reeds, again in an order that is the reverse of the normal, and offer them in that fire, as he recites...." -- Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 6:4:4-12. There is no evidence that the above method to avoid pregnancy works. So Hindus, do not try this at home thinking it is a good birth control method.
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