Posted by: metta November 23, 2015
ह्वाइट हाउस अगाडि नेपालीले गरे अहिलेसम्मकै ठूलो प्रदर्शन, ओबामालार्इ ज्ञापनपत्र बुझाइदै
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Thukka, you're right. India has puppets in all parties, and it is not sure why they're doing this.
We can't do much about India or Madheshi protesters. But people have power to pressure Nepal government to do the right thing and be serious on the current situation. I think the cunning politicians have succeeded on diverting all attention to India and Madhesh. Why can't the government be clear on the issues first? Present nationalist government hasn't formally called it as "blockade" yet. When the government issued a formal request, they were afraid to send it to the Indian ambassador and made the request through Nepali media. When the GM of NOC is caught selling fuel in black market and he is unwilling to solve the fuel scarcity, what has stopped the government to sack GM? Is it so hard to see that they are getting the cut from such sales in black market?

दुई दशकयता गठन भएका हाम्रा सरकार मुलुकका नागरिकको हितप्रति कुनै जवाफदेही नभए पनि भारतलाई रिझाउन भने कुनै कसर बाँकी राखेका थिएनन् । अझै पनि एक–दुई नेताबाहेक अधिकांश राजनीतिक दलका प्रमुख भारत सरकार चिढिएला भनेर सतर्क भएका हुन्छन् । कट्टर राष्ट्रवादी छवि बनाएका नेताको जमघट भएको वर्तमान सरकार पनि नाकाबन्दी भन्न संकोच मान्दैछ । सत्तामा पुगेको एक महिनापछि मन्त्रिपरिषद्ले भारत सरकारलाई आधिकारिक पत्राचारमा समेत ‘अवरोध हटाइदिन आग्रह’ गरेछ ।
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