Posted by: sweetiepie October 25, 2004
Lady's Zone
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Hey andolan,looks like u don't have a clear picture of what US is like! True that there are some white women in US who thinks abortion is wrong...why? Because of their religious beliefs. But majority aren't. Don't compare Nepal's size with USA's way bigger and therefore a huge percentage difference. Who says most nepalese women agree with abortion?? Half of them don't even know about remind u they won't even have a knowledge of family planning. And most of the times, it's not women who stop abortion but the male dominated government( like BUSH) even though women want it but that doesn't mean every president agrees with that! About the work issue, yeah Nepal is getting better but USA is far ahead so please don't compare........Ofcourse there would be some women in USA who has to stay home for kids at some point in her life that doesn't mean she'll stop working as we know men don't want to stay home to take care of kids. But it's a different case scenario than Nepal right? Women aren't educated enough to work in Nepal therefore are forced to stay home. There's no choice in Nepal like women here have whether they want to raise the kids or work or do both. Okay I hear u about the gay issue, yes there's a conflicting acceptance for gays here but gays are out of their closet and free than any other country! Have u heard about gay people in Nepal??? I don't think our society is ready to even brother mentioning about it! I am your comment......on moving together before marriage! Well, I know a lot better about that one! Do u want to know a person a lot better before marriage or after marriage when it's too late....infact u don't know a person completely unless u live together with him/her. In Nepal, we don't have a choice to choose a partner but where there is a permission to choose they do really think it carefully before committing instead of wasting your life with a stranger. If u don't know about it then don't assume it's wrong.I strongly believe in dating a few people at least to know if he/she is your match.......not marrying a person that your parents thinks is good for u! Wearing a mini doesn't make anybody ignorant or fool but only makes her fashion forward. Now u might say only dumb people wear those fashionable clothes......well u are wrong....Me and my friends are nowhere near dumb, ignorant infact most of my friends are really successful.... doctors, engineers, some even have their own business and very progressive too. The kind of forwardness I am talking about is about no dependence on anybody, making your own decisions, choosing your own partner, being open about new things etc. Let's hope u don't find this pathetic!
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