Posted by: mero_naam_ho August 5, 2015
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I really don't know what do you mean by "simple format". Just for a proof of concept it can be done via following:

Server Side:

1) Write a Rest PHP API that will do crud for customer data (i.e add , edit, update or delete). This will not be visible to clients (customer or admin who is using the app).

Client Side:

2) Use HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP to consume Rest API you wrote in PHP. Of course, instead of writing a separate rest API you can include all the logic here too. But its always good to have Separation of concerns ( If you don't know what SoC is , I believe you will find some info about it through google, by the way it is an abstract term and not related with any specific technology or programming language).

- To write the above client web application (I call it web application because, users will access the web application via a browser in similar way they access any other web pages). This is the simplest of all and supports every device (PC / Mobile / Tablet, well I know this is just a web browsing :) ) . To provide a good look and feel based on the device user is using, you can use bootstrap. Bootstrap supports PC, mobile and tablets. Please remember bootstrap is just for look and feel.

Alternate option for client side: (costs $)

Use phone gap - A framework that can be used to develop native app for Android and IOS. I think it supports other mobile OS too but can't remember on top of my head now. This will give your client a flexibility to install your app on their mobile/tablet via play store or IOS play store. (lol, i don't use IOS so dont' know what they call their market place). This app will consume rest API you have developed for server side and communicate with the sever.

Alternate option for client side: (costs $$$$$)

Develop native apps for android and IOS - This approach will be the most time consuming and resource taking as this involves developing separate app for anrdoi and IOS. Android app can be developed in any PC that supports java where as app for IOS needs Mac.

Based on the way works, Your best option would be either

1) replicate what they are doing


2) go for server side rest api and then for client use PhoneGap.

Of course you will need a domain and hosting provider and you will be spending on that too...

By the way, I am just wondering why would you need a separate app even if you have an alternative? Do you need it for your own business Or are you planning to deliver the app to someone else?

Last edited: 05-Aug-15 08:25 PM
Last edited: 05-Aug-15 08:26 PM
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