Posted by: Ashley October 16, 2004
Lady's Zone
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Hiyaýll ladies on the edge out there! Great going *giggle* *giggle* Aite something I found out over the net (, Cool site! Yaýll might wanna visit it sometime) Getting rid of the blahs. Yawn: is it just me? Rebecca paces around her room. Restless, she picks things up, then puts them down in the same exact place. She glances in the mirror and sees a girl leading a monotonous dull, existence but she's too tired to care about making a change. If only I were prettier or richer or more popular, she thinks, then I wouldn't ever be bored. There's not a person around who hasn't, at one time or another, shared the girls' feelings. We get bored when our lives need updating, when we've been doing the same things the same way for too long. There's no doubt change is scary, but we promise if you attempt to try something different, you might be intimidated, but you won't be bored. What can you do to feel better? 1.Take baby steps. Vary your routine...Rent a thriller if you usually watch romantic comedies. If emptying the dishwasher drives you crazy, trade chores with your sister. 2. Instead of waiting for someone else to call and make plans, call first. Smile first at someone new. Volunteer. 3.Exercise. You've heard it a million times but it's true. Exercise makes all kinds of things feel better. 4.Stop thinking the rest of the world has a better life than you do. Every single person on earth has a share in happiness, anxiety, victories and failures. 5.Fight it. Don't surrender to feeling bloopy. Your life's success is all about your behavior and your attitude. You are stronger and smarter than any mood. Go for it! zzed, flirt as in tease? ;) of course! Ashley!
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