Posted by: Dominatrix October 14, 2004
Declaration for Domi..;)
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<> Me Lady! Alwys like a breath of fresh air in me tired lungs seein u around here! Im too busy wiv studies n workin..'livin da high life'....HA! Double HA to that! Hope 2 pop in here more often..i remebr them days wen i wz like a proper Sajha addict...weehehe..funny ol' days..(im talkn like it was 20 yrs ago! Best check see if i got any wrinkles..;o) But guess kinda puttin more energy into other important stuff (Not that Sajha aint important, thats where i get to see a lovely lady..n othrs..;o) ..but hope lifes treatin u as good as it should for u..dont work too hard..make sure u play hard..heehee.. ;o)..oohh n get ready to be bombarded wiv millions of hugs n kisses now... *Mwaaaaaaahhhhh N Huuuuuugssss* May not seem like much of a bombardment..hee hee..but believ me thers lotttaaa lurrveee behind it! N i am feelin how much ima missed...overwhelmingly! (Is that even a real word??) Aaww..U guyssssss... ;ox Eddieeeeeeeeeee! I swear ur tralalalalalalaling's ringin in me ears......!! Kukur! Teehehe.. oi! U better start workin ur butt off come here n visit i can wrestle ya n claim my place as the champ...wasnt fair last time was a disabled match since ur like whole foot taller than me (lil bit exaggeration der so sue me ;o) N ur like 10 times my weight..(erm..more exaggeration) so i guess il have to disable u too..u'l hav ur own 'breakin bones' song reversd on u! So that u can do no more nhak phullayin n tauntin mee...!! (Damn, i think more than enough dust has settled on ma ol' trusted friend...Whippy..Teehee!) N wat da hell has happened to our money makin schemes..?? i mean poor ol' Danny's stuck in Kangaroo land..N here we are sittin around like useless bums! U buy ur Dvd's n Cd's after dat topah has landed in thinks we gotta truly come up wiv a realistic, smart, out of this world operation for once, that'll make us ..hmm.lets see..$1000 to get them golden tickets 4 him..a major operation so fail proof..sooooo...undeniably a work of a genius.....ok ok..a work of......2 geniuses.!!..that we'll be in unlimited demand for our services for rest of our lives!! Muhahhaa! So..ahem...lemme unravel my plan n put u all outta ur miserys...da plan isssss......*drum roll plz...........To get all Sajhaites to donate a mere $50 to our cause!!!Wooo! Watcha reckon Eddie..? ;ox So I think iv covered all da homiez...oopps no, 1 more..!Last but not least.......da main man..........San!! I'd like to say u are truly........teehehe..just kiddin Danny..u saw it comin..yeh yeh..u know me inside out n my bad attempt at humour as u would put it...he really does giv me tension u know, but all in da name of lurrveeee rite kukur..?! u been workin hard these days wiv ur studys...i think that happend around the time i took a holiday away from sajha..hee hee..but u get ur arse down to them books..i dunt wana be pointed at wiv da finger if u ever do crap in ur exams n asses...natra DKR aunchaa....dhar lagyo? Also kukur, make sure u at the computr if ur signed onto MSN..i mean who knows..who knows wen someone comes home drunk as a fart n wantin to share some good news n tales about a nite out filled wiv fun, tragedy, laughter, heartbreak and love..ahem..who knows if they send a frantic message to u in along da lines of say.... "Hi Danny!! I got somethin i wana share wiv ya NOW! Kwik kwik! Hellooooooooooooo? ....jeeeeeeez...this aint a good time to play hide n seek wen sum1 wants to SHARE!!! ......orite orite, no one takes like half an hour in da toilet man....unless u got some nasty stomach problems...n sumthin tells me u aint got no such problem!! Gggrrr...where da hell r u!!!.. Uurgghhh ..Damn u!!!...BYE BYE idiot!!*signed off..*".... ....eerrr.....hehe..just erm... just somethin that CUD happen one day 2 ya...not that it happened yehhh, take heed of my advice topah.....hehe....ermm.... so take care topah..... ;ox pooped out..(how does Danny do it??!) Time for bed! Wahey! Favourite time of da day..! U lot keep up da bash n c ya's around....big cuddly hugs for all, for them cold arse days ahead...;ox Domi
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