Posted by: no_more_crush April 1, 2015
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not a love story but was a good experience. We were on different side of the States.
tried initial email exchange --- > texts --- > phone call -- >met the person.
We both did not want to disclose our real names, exchange pictures etc (so we played it like that). It was strictly text/phone call. None of my friends knows about it till date and I suppose it is the same on her side too.
Brief events of the day we met:
Met at a local bar at her place. Had couple of drinks , dinner, bar hopping, walking etc. Sometimes its good to talk to strangers provided we both respect each others privacy. Hence, I don't want to spill more beans on social platform like sajha. I will try to generalize the event so that only "the girl" who is reading knows it's her. I'm pretty sure even she will hardly guess it was her. :P
Even though it was the only night we met but i still cherish the moment looking back.
Frankly speaking, I drank quite a lot that day and I suppose it was scary for her to hang out more with a stranger in that state. I tried to have a follow up date next day but it seems like she was not interested. I totally understand being on her shoes: Who would want to go again with the same guy who doesn't have control in drinking ? Duh!! But from my side, i just wanted to loosen myself, get away from my normal office-apartment schedule, drink more and not to be in a relationship. There was nothing to loose. May be I ruined it in terms of possibly of having new friend ( at least text buddy ) but that's okay.
I deleted her number from mine and deactivated the profile on Nepallove. Everything happened within 3 months. i.e activating/deactivating nepallove.
For all the readers, please note that it was nothing sexual. It was all about the communication we had and it was just a passing friendship affair. I don't have contacts of her and its not that I want to contact her. Something are good at its place and are good left alone. I respect our short spanned friendship.