Posted by: _____ March 22, 2015
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Inflation in nepal hovers around 10%, You are getting 5% that means you are loosing 5% of your money every year.
If inflation is arround 8% you are losing 3% of money every year/
Governemnt in Nepal not controlling these things, that is very sad. bunch of people making money out of nothing because of this low interest rate
For example at present inflation in US ia arround 1%, bank also gives you inetrest arround 1% so value of your money remians constant. And even if you lose,you lose only 0.25% of your money That is aceptable risk
But In nepal interest on fixed deposit is 5 % means way below inflation ( inflation is devaluationof money).
Usually in most of the country banks are supposed to give interest rate either above the inflation or par to the inflation
So,it is always good to start your own business in Nepal. If you are not in a situation to start business ,you need a help of your relatives.. Buy a land, ana ko 5 lakha ma .you will be able to buy 8 ana.leave that for 10 years it will become double very easily. That means you will not lose any money value of your money ( purchasing power) will remain constant
on the other hand fixed depositing your money at 5% for say 10 years will reduce value of your mony ( purchasing power) by at least 25%
If you want to invest in stock market in us, Invest in stockswhich gives you devidend, Itmay be a good time to buy oilstocks which give devident.
choice is yours.