Posted by: thugged out October 2, 2004
bush or kerry?
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Hogwash Jagaltay bhoot, let's review some of the lies by BushCo 1. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. WHere are they? 2. Iraq tried procuring WMD materials from Africa. This has been proven wrong thorougly. Bush in fact even included this point in his State of the Union address. 3. Saddam had links to Al Qaeda. This is such baloney. Al Zarqawi was running rampant in places the dictator had no control over. Saddam was a secularist. He in fact had Christians and Shiahs in high positions. If anything, terrorists posed a threat to his regime, and as we know Bin Laden himself deemed Saddam a Kaffir due to his secularist agenda. If Al Qaeda-Saddam connection can't be ruled out, then Bush needs to show us the evidence that these two were connected. He gave us zero proof. Certainly, president has the right to preempt war to help America, but as Colin Powell said it best, if you break it, you own it, or something of that nature. Now, these three points have been proven wrong completely, and so BushCo are making the pretext that Saddam was cruel to his people. Wolfowitz himself said that only this reason isn't enough to attack Iraq. Furthermore, there were 30 different nations that purportedly have capability to develop nuclear weapons. If we wanna be the global police, let's do something about them too. Then again, what will Bush do about the N. Korean nukes? They already have developed 6-8 nuclear warheads according to recent analysis. Now even Iran is challenging America. Due to Bush's failed doctrine of "You are either for us or against us", America has been isolated from the rest of the globe, and we have a lot of catching up to do. YOu don't declare nations as "axis of evil" and not expect repercussions from it. Cowboy mentality might work if you're iin the midwest, but hell no, it sure ain't working if you're involved in politics. We are truly alone in the world now. Thanks to BushCo, terrorism has truly reared it's multiheaded extremist head in Iraq. I am holding BUsh accountable for 1000 American casualties for an unjust, unncessary war fought for profits for Halliburton and other big corporations and will be voting for Kerry. I was having my doubts about Kerry a few days back due to his "flip-flopping" ways, but wednesday's performance sealed the deal. When I cast my vote, I'll not be casting my vote against Bush, but rather I'll be casting my vote for Kerry. Bush makes it sound like consistency is like a badge of honor. Tell that to Hitler who was quite consisteny in killing, maiming, torturing innocent Jews, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals and handicaps. Flipflopping is the hallmark of an intellectual. Rather a flipflopper than a speech impaired dunce who can't utter even a single sentence witout making any error.
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